Q1. List out all INSTRUCTION statement of dockerfile and give one line explanation.

FROM -It should be the first instruction in the Dockerfile. It is used to specify our base layer from which we are creating the image. MAINTAINER – It is used to set the author. RUN – It is used to run a command in shell. CMD – It provides a default executable for a container. LABEL – It is used for putting some metadata in a container. EXPOSE – Expose a port and listens to it. ENV – Used to

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Assignment for docker day1

Q1. Explain What is Docker Container with image? A container which contains our image with root file system, 1 PID, 1 NW, 1 MNT, 1 USER. Q2. What is the difference between docker stop and docker kill? docker stop and docker kill doing the same thing only the internal process have difference. Both stops a running container to an exit state. docker create –name vin6 httpddocker start vin6docker psdocker stop vin6docker ps -adocker start vin6docker pause vin6docker ps -adocker unpause

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Q3. What is the differenece between docker pause and docker unpause?

Docker pause is used to pause the running container which can be resumed with unpause. But is we stop or kill we can not unpause but we can restart. docker create –name vin6 httpddocker start vin6docker psdocker stop vin6 docker ps -adocker start vin6docker pause vin6docker ps -adocker unpause vin6docker images -adocker ps -adocker stop vin6docker restart vin6docker psdocker kill vin6

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