Python Assignment & Project #1

Write a python program which should following Prompt Input from user one Location of Linux filesystem and list each files of the directory. file name must be listed with row and serical num ie. along with size | owner | last modified date. User must be promoted with a options to delete files by choosing serical num ie. User must be promoted every time with 2 options. 1. Exit the interactive session 2. Continue with file delete ops.

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Docker and its brief

Components of Docker and its Brief Summary: Docker Components : Docker Engine: Core part of the docker system. It consists following 3 components: Server: It is the docker daemon called dockerd. It can create and manage docker images. Containers, networks, etc. Rest API: It is used to instruct docker daemon what to do. Command Line Interface (CLI): It is a client which is used to enter docker commands Docker Client: Docker users can interact with Docker through a client. When any docker

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Devops simplified

What is Devops? Devops is cultural practice to remove barrier between development team and operation team in order to increase efficiency of development, delivery and maintenance. What Exactly Devops do? Main responsibility of Devops is to reduce the release cycle using automation, architecting devops infrastructure and brings better visibility of the system behavior and performance, discover bottlenecks of the system. What are the list of DevOps Tools? build tools like maven, composer, gradle, nuget, configuration management tools such as ansible,

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