Assignment 1 Day 3

Write down 10 features of Kubernetes with image Helps manage large clusters Load balancing Service discovery Self monitoring Security Storage services Automated rollbacks Optimum resource utilization Auto scalable Predictable What are the components of Kubernetes master and explain each component’s function?API Server-All requests come to API server. REST based.etcd-storage for cluster configuration and stateController-keeps tracks of the pods and reports to API serverScheduler-assigns a pod to a node based on resource requirements What are the components of Kubernetes worker and

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Assignment 2 Day 2

List out all INSTRUCTION statement of dockerfile and give one line explanationFROMMAINTAINERRUNCMDLABELEXPOSEENVADDCOPYENTRYPOINTVOLUMEUSERWORKDIRARGONBUILDSTOPSIGNALHEALTHCHECKSHELL Q2. Build all these 5 images and run container and observe the use cases of it. Q3. Write a example dockerfile with 2 CMD, 2 ENTRYPOINT and 1 CMD/1ENTRYPOINT and write down a behavior of it.if ENTRYPOINT is not specified, default is /bin/sh, what is specified in CMD is passed as args.2 CMD -> last one is executedCMD echo “Hello world1”CMD echo “Hello world2”Output: Hello world2 2 ENTRYPOINT

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Assignment 1 Day 2

What is Storage Driver and types of Storage Driver? Explain with Images.A docker image can have different layers. When a container is created out of this image it will also have a writable layer on top of all the read only layers created out of the image. A storage driver manages all these layers making it appear as a single file system to the user. Multiple implementations of storage driver are available. What is Docker Images and Explain 10 bullet

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Assignment 2 for Docker Day 1

Q1. – What is the use of “docker update” commands? with example and image “docker update” is used to limit the usage of resources a container can use. CPU usage can be limited by CPU time, no.of CPUs used, or which CPUs are used. Memory usage can be limited for Main Memory as well as Swap Disk IO can be limited by specifying a relative weight. No.of PIDs container can allocate can be limited. This command can also be used

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Assignment for Docker Day 1

Q1. Explain What is Docker Container with image?A docker image contains all the dependencies needed to make an application runA docker image is run in a docker container. Any no.of containers can run the same image. Q2. What is the differenece between docker stop and docker kill?Docker stop is gracefully stopping a container, first SIGTEM is sent for cleanup and then SIGKILLDocker kill is forcefully terminating a container directly sending SIGKILL Q3. What is the difference between docker pause and

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