List of 20 docker commands and its use cases with example?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now 1.docker –version: This command helps you know the installed version of the docker software on your system. 2.docker pull nginx: This command helps you pull images from the central docker repository. 3.docker images: This command helps you in listing all the docker images, downloaded on your system. 4.docker run –it -d centos: This command

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List of dockerfile instructions and its Brief Summary?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now The format of Dockerfile is similar to the below syntax: # Comment INSTRUCTION arguments A Dockerfile must start with a FROM instruction. There are multiple INSTRUCTIONS that are available in Dockerfile, some of these include: FROM RUN CMD LABEL EXPOSE FROM: The FROM instruction specifies the Base Image from which you are building. RUN:

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What is the difference between docker exec and attach?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Docker Exec: The docker container exec command runs a new command in a running container. The command started using docker exec only runs while the container’s primary process (PID 1) is running, and it is not restarted if the container is restarted. docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG…] Docker attach: When we start a

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What is the difference between docker stop and kill?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Docker Stop: This command will stop the containers which are running. docker stop [container id or name] Docker Kill: This command will kill the container by stopping its execution immediately. docker kill [container id or name] The difference between ‘docker kill’ and ‘docker stop’ gives the container time to shutdown in any situations, when

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What is the difference between docker pause and unpause?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now DOCKER PAUSE: It will suspends all processes in the specified containers. It means that the processes in the container stop running, and they are be able to resumed later. docker pause [container id or name] DOCKER UNPAUSE: It will resumes all the processes in the specified container. It means recovery container all processes. docker

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Components of Docker and its Brief Summary?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now DOCKER: It is the world’s leading software container technology which is used for creating and managing containers.Docker is an open platform, once we build a docker container, we can run it anywhere, say it windows, Linux, mac whether on a laptop, data center, or in the cloud.The whole idea of docker is for developers

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