What is Pod in kubernetes. Exaplin in 15 points with image as an example

atomic unit of schedulingall container in pod share the pod environment. anything attached to pod, all container can use it.it can contain one or more containers.pod can have tight coupling- loose coupling.pods are atomic, you can scale the port from 1 to many.pods are the application which can access through n/w.pods contain container. and runs as long as container run.multi container pods – main container and side car container.pod lifecycle: phase: pending –> phase: running –> phase: succeeded/failed.inter pod communication

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What are the components of Kubernetes worker and explain each component’s function?

kubelet: just like a slave. the main kubernetes agent. register node with cluster- master approves it. watches api server.kubelet will talk to api server with health status.instantiate pods – not creation. pod is the logical unit of cluster. exposes end points on 10255.container engine: does container management. ex:dockerkube proxy: it assign pod ip address, all containers in a pod shared a single ip. load balances across all pods in a service.

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What are the components of Kubernetes master and explain each component’s function?

api server: all the feature available at api server. , front end to control plane. anything want to master , can send to api server.it can be using http, it consumes json file. internally it communicates with each other.cluster store:any req is send is stored here. internal communication(worker to master etc.) also stored here. it uses etcd (open source) to store.it should exist in etcd- source of truth.controller manager: collection of controller. node controller(all the monitoring activities), endpoints controller. watches

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Write down 10 fearures of Kubernetes with image

k8s is container orchestration toolworkload placement ,k8s helping infrastructure abstractionhelp to manage desired stateself healing, replace with desired stateautomatic rollback/rollouts – rollback the feature / versionauto scaling – 5 container to 50 container can be doneload balancing of container/podshigh speed of deployment. upgrade/ability to rollbackstorage orchestration.

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List out all INSTRUCTION statement of dockerfile and give one line explanation.

FROM: The FROM instruction initializes a new build stage and sets the Base Image for subsequent instructionsRUN: The RUN instruction will execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results.MAINTAINER: The MAINTAINER instruction sets the Author field of the generated images.EXPOSE: The EXPOSE instruction informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports at runtimeENV: The ENV instruction sets the environment variable to the valueADD: The ADD instruction copies new

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