Architecture and components of Kubernetes

kube-apiserver kubernetes API server validates and configures data for the api objects which include pods, services, replications controllers and others. This is the only component that communicates with the etcd cluster, making sure data is stored in etcd and is in agreement with the service details of the deployed pods kube-controller It runs number of distinct controller processes in the background( replication controller controls number of replicas in a pod). And it will regulate the shared state of the cluster

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Answer: Assignment for Docker Day-2

Define a docker image in points Docker Image has many layers which holds the information required for the configuration. Base image + parent image + layers+ container layer + docker manifest. Each of the files that make up a Docker image is known as a layer. These layers form a series of intermediate images, built one on top of the other in stages, where each layer is dependent on the layer immediately below it. Thus, you should organize layers that change most often

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Answer: Assignment Day2

Update: On go we can change the settings of the container using Update command Before updating the memory-swap After updating the memory-swap and memory Wait: Docker wait command waits for 1 or more container to exit and provides the return status of the docker exit.Once docker wait is used the control will go inside the container and waits there until its get exited.

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Answer: Assignment Day 1

What is the diff between docker stop and docker kill? docker stop will send SIGTERM to the process and docker will have some-time seconds to clean up like saving files or emitting some messages. Will return “ExitCode:0” docker kill will terminate the process used in-case the docker is in locked up state or not responding state. Will return “ExitCode:137”

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