7. List of 20 docker commands and its use cases with example? by Ramalakshmi

docker pull: pull the image from the docker hubdocker ps: list the running containersdocker ps -a: list the running and stopped containersdocker start start the containerdocker stop: stop the one or more running containersdocker restart: restart the containerdocker rm: remove the containerdocker exec: runs a new command in a running containerdocker image: show all imagedocker info: show the information about docker installationdocker kill: kill one or more running containersdocker login: login into docker register

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5. List of dockerfile instructions and its Brief Summary? by Ramalakshmi

FROM: specify the valid docker image name, LABEL: metadata infomation to the image, ADD: copy files, directories and remote URL files to the destination, RUN: executes any command, WORKDIR: set the working directory, ENV: set environment variables with key and value, COPY: copy files, directories and remote URL files to the destination, MAINTAINER: author who create the docker image

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1. Components of Docker and its Brief Summary? by Ramalakshmi

Docker follows Client-Server architecture. Docker having three main components Docker Client, Docker Host, and Docker Registry.Docker Client: Docker client uses REST APIs to communicate with the Docker server when the client send commands to the server, server receives commands in the form of REST APIs request.Docker Host: Docker Host is used to provide an environment to execute and run applications. It contains the docker daemon, images, containers, networks, and storage.Docker Registry: Docker Registry manages and stores the docker images

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