Kubernetes Services, ClusterIP – NodePort – ALB architecture for exposing service

A kubernetes service is a group of pods running in a cluster. ClusterIP is a service which is accessible only within the Kubernetes cluster. Hence, it is the internal IP of the components inside a Kubernetes cluster. NodePort is an open port for every node in the cluster. This is accessible from outside the cluster. LoadBalancer distributes the external request among the workers of the cluster. Following commands are used to create 4 PODS using four Manifest files (pod1.yaml, pod2.yaml,

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Pods in Kubernetes

A pod is the smallest working unit in Kubernetes.A pod will have one or more containers (when there are multiple containers, they share the resources on the pods) Kubernetes runs the containers through pods only.When scaling is required, the pod is replicated.Pods are ephemeral and disposable – they cannot be reinstantiated after the lifecycle, a similar pod can be instantiated.

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Kubernetes worker – components and function

Kubernetes worker or Minion or Node runs the actual workload.It reports the status of the application to the cluster “Master” and also listens to any change in the application definition on the Master. It has three components: KubeletRegisters a node with its clusterIt watches the AI server for changes in the definition of the applicationinstantiates podsreports the health status of the pods to the masterendpoint is 10255 Kube proxy Handles the networking for the KubernetesAll containers in a pod shares

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Kubernetes Master – components and working

In a Kubernetes cluster, we package our application and give it to the “Master”.Master will distribute it to the nodes (minions) which do the actual work. In the Master (representation above), there is a Control plane which has 4 components: API ServerActs as the entry point to the control plane.It exposes a REST API which consumes JSON files that has the application definition and state defined.Master checks the JSON file and pass the task onto one of the nodes in

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Features of Kubernetes

Tool for container orchestration – can manage multiple containers running on different nodes; it was created by Google and later made open source. It has a master which “manages” the several worker nodes which contain pods where the application is run. 2. Improves productivity through container orchestration and easy installation. hence makes it easy for managing deployment. 3. Faster and Simpler deployment of containerized applications. Hence provides consistency for different environments – QA, Dev, Staging etc – hence a better

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