How to grow a DevOps practice

Source: Start with a constraints-based approach which tackles the biggest, unique problem. What is the best approach for creating a culture and installing processes that orchestrate technology development and operations? It’s a trick question: There isn’t one.  Many in industry are after a silver bullet for making technology practices more efficient and weave in a DevOps mindset, but none exists. And those experts who could build a five-step, how-to guide for DevOps know it will not take effect.  “Everyone

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DevOps Done Right Gives You a Competitive Advantage

Source:- Have you embraced DevOps? If not, you’re falling behind. DevOps is no longer just a niche concept for cutting edge startups–it’s a business imperative. A successful implementation of DevOps culture, practices and tools gives you a competitive advantage. Ignoring DevOps just leaves you in the dust behind your competitors that have embraced it. DevOps has attained mainstream status. It is no longer a cutting-edge concept that only startups and progressive companies embrace—it’s a business imperative that delivers a

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