Database Migration in Continuous Integration Processes

Source – How to use the open source tool Flyway to automatically migrate databases in your CI pipelines.   When talking about source code migration, everything is simple. My team uses Git, Maven, and Jenkins to deliver code to the production server. But what do we do with database migration? How do we track it make sure that everything works properly after a new build? Flyway is a perfect tool that greatly simplifies our data migration process, and as a

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Book Review: ”Continuous Enterprise Development in Java”

Source – This is a very short review of the Continuous Enterprise Development in Java book. The book can be easily split into two parts. The first part of the book from (Chapter 1 to Chapter 4) contains general information about the difficulty of testing the JEE applications, the software development cycles, the types of testing, and some more technical details about the testing frameworks (JUnit and TestNG), build tools like Maven and (JBoss) Forge, version control (only Git

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Picking the right tools for DevOps communication

Source – DevOps is often misconstrued as a specific release methodology like continuous delivery or continuous integration, however, it applies more broadly to a development model where development teams collaborate closely with operations teams. Unlike typical siloed development teams, organisations practicing DevOps break down the barriers between development and operations, often placing a member of each organisation on each product team (Read more)

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