POD LifeCycle – Kishore Reddy

What is POD ? It has one or more containers It’s your application or service It’s the most basic unit of work Unit of scheduling Ephemeral – no POD is ever “redeployed” Atomicity – They are there or NOT PODS can communicate through network. POD get an IP address by kube-proxy Load balance connects to POD’s as POD have IP address NOT containers POD is running until we have containers are running inside it All containers in POD have the

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HTML Tutorial for beginers part -2

HTML Quotation <blockquote> using <blockquote> we can quote whole block or section. <q> <q> tag defines a short quotation ex- <abbr> <abbr> tag defines an abbreviation  <bdo> <bdo> tag is used to change the current text direction ex- <bdo dir=”rtl”> Welcome to Wickitechy<bdo> HTML comments HTML comments are not displayed in the browser, but they are used in HTML source code for underundesting code in future. HTML CSS CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets CSS is used for styling the html page . we

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Siva Kumar M – Kubernetes Assignment

Features of Kubernetes: Automated scheduling Self healing capability Storage orchestration Automated rollbacks Bin packing Scaling Load balancing Resource utilization Portability secret and config management How kubernetes works? Kubernetes clusters are comprised of one master node(control plane) and a number of worker nodes. These nodes can either be physical computers or virtual machines, depending on the cluster. The master node controls the state of the cluster; for example, which applications are running and their corresponding container images. Components of Master Node:

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K8 Architecture by Sivaiah

What are the 10 feature of kubernetes?1.self healing2.Rolling update and rollback3.Auto scalability4.Combinations of container in Pod5.Manages container workload and services6.health checking7.speed deployment8.ability to absorb chnages quickly9.ability to recover quickly10.hide complexity in cluster How kubernetes works?By implementation of cluster with combinations of both control node and worker nodes, What are the components of Master? explain in one line sentense1.API server: it is an cluster gateway.2.cluster storage: it stores all data from API server(etcd)3.conroller manager:it is responsible to make sure all current

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Swetha – Kubernetes Architecture

What are the 10 features of kubernetes ? container orchestrator Workload placement Maintains desired state Self-healing Automated rollbacks Auto scaling Load balancing Speed of deployment Ability to absorb change quickly Hide complexity in the cluster How Kubernetes works ? Kubernetes are comprised of master and multiple nodes where Master is In-charge of cluster which manages nodes and nodes manages one or multiple pods and pod manages one or multiple containers. What are the components of Master ? Kube-API server –

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K8- architecture-Deep

10 feature of k8 rollout container orch scaling self healing load balancing custom controller custom scheduling able to decide itself on nodes to go for pod infra is loosely coupled less human intervention How k8 work Component of master API Server:helps to talk to outside world also node talk to API server Cluster store -> storing info about cluster and pass that API server Controller manager manager -> status of cluster is informed by controller manager to api-server , act

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Docker – Lab – Day1-3 – Sandeep

Create Ec2 ubuntu instance (freeetire) in AWS Copy the permissions keys to local Open putty key load and generate private key Open Putty and browse the private key and login to the ubuntu instance Auto logged in with no credentials Install docker https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ sudo apt install apache2 sudo apt-get install git Install Ansible:sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible Log into the Ubuntu Server that will host Ansible Install the necessary repository with the command sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible. Update apt with the command sudo

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1. What are the 10 features of Kubernetes? 1.Storage Orchestration 2.Service discovery and load balancing 3.Automated rollouts/roll backs 4. Self healing 5. Automatic bin packaging 6. Secret &config management 2. Master Node components 1.Kube-controller – controller of ontrollers (node/endpoints/namespaces) 2. Schedular – Assign work to nodes 3.Api server – Front end to control plane 4.Cluster store – 3. Worker node components 1.Kubelet 2.namespace 4. How Kubernetes works? It will work through Master and worker node. If we have 4 master

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Kubernetes Lab-Suresh

What are the 10 feature of Kubernetes? Kubernetes can schedule and run application containers on clusters of physical or virtual machines. Kubernetes provides the infrastructure to build a truly container-centric development environment. Kubernetes can speed up the development process by making easy, automated deployments, updates (rolling-update) and by managing our apps and services with almost zero downtime. It also provides self-healing. Kubernetes can detect and restart services when a process crashes inside the container. Kubernetes is originally developed by Google,

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Rajendra: Kubernetes Assignment-1

10 features of kubernetes Automated SchedulingSelf-Healing CapabilityAutomated rollbackLoad BalancingEnvironment consistencyBest resource utilization MonitoringAuto-scalable infrastructure How Kubernetes works? K8S treats all the machines in a cluster as a single pool of resources.K8S takes up the role of a distributed operating system by effectively managing the scheduling, allocating the resources, monitoring the health of the infrastructure, and even maintaining the desired state of infrastructure and workloads. What are the components of Master? –> ApiServer, Cluster Store, Controller & Scheduler What are the

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Kubernetes – Architecture – Kishore Reddy

Benefits of Kubernetes Speed of the deployment Ability to absorb the change quicky Ability to recover quickly Hide complexity in Cluster Storage Orchestration Secret and config management Automatic bin packing Self healing Automated roll outs and rollbacks Service discovery and load balancing How does Kubernetes works ? What are the components we have in K8’s Master ? kube-apiserver – It acts as front end control panel, Consumes JSON files and Exposes the REST API’s Clster Store(etcd) – It persistent the

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Kubernetes Introduction-Nagendra

Features of containers  collection of containers Replication Controller Storage Management Resource Monitoring Health Checking Networking Helm Charts POD Distrubution Cluster Federation How kubernates works? Kubernetes supports several base container engines, and Docker is just one of them. The two technologies work great together, since Docker containers are an efficient way to distribute packaged applications, and Kubernetes is designed to coordinate and schedule those applications. What are the components in master? API Server Scheduler Controller Manager etcd Kubelet Kube-proxy What are

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Day4 – Kubernetes – Assignment – Bhargav

Assignment1 – How Kubernetes works Kubernetes can manage Container Orchestration, Work load Placement, manage Infrstructure, Desired state. It has Self Healing, Automated Roll back, Auto Scaling and load balancing It can host multiple Docker containers Assignment2 – What are the components of Kubernetes Master? Master has four softwares API Server Cluster Storage Controller Storage Scheduler Assignment3 – What are the components of Worker? Workers has 3 Applications for worker Kubelet Kube proxy Container Engine Assignment4 – What are the components

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Kubernetes Notes- Ranjith

10 Benefits/features of Kubernetes Container Orchestration Desired State Workload distribution Self healing Capabilities Automated Rollbacks Auto Scaling Load balancing Environment consistency for development through production Automated Scheduling Speed of deployment Ability to absorb change quickly Ability recover quickly Hide complexity in the cluster Bin packing Resource utilization Secret and config management How Kubernetes works UI or CLI interacts with Kubernetes Master’s (Control Plane) API server. API servers connectts with Controller and etcd for controller allocation and storing the requests. Then

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Day4- Assignment-vishal- Kubernetes basics

What are the 10 feature of kubernetes? –  optimizes the utilization of resources like CPU and memory through containers allow for efficient distributions of applications across a cluster of nodes Its a tool or platform which focuses on deploying and scheduling containers inside the infrastructure instead of directly utilizing nodes/hosts. Container grouping using pod Self-healing Auto-scalablility DNS management Load balancing Rolling update or rollback Resource monitoring and logging How kubernetes works? – Kubernetes keeps track of your container applications that are

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<HTML>is a starting tag. To delimit the text inside, add a closing tag by adding a forward slash “/” to the starting tag. Most but not all tags have a closing tag. It is necessary to write the code for an HTML page between <HTML> and <HTML> . This <HTML> tells the browser is ‘this is the start of an HTML document’ and ‘this is the end of an HTML document’.

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HTML (hyper text markup language) provides a way of displaying Web pages with text andimages or multimedia content. HTML is a markup language. An HTML file is a text filecontaining tags The declaration represents the version of html , and helps browsers to display web pages correctly. <!DOCTYPE > It must at the top of the page. Tag: To create a tag, HTML gives the anglebrackets < and > There are two tags: opening tag closing tag. Type of Tag

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