Loops in PHP

A Loop is an Iterative Control Structure that involves executing the same number of code a number of times until a certain condition is fulfilled Types of Loops in PHP while  do-while loop for loop foreach loop 1 . While :-The while loop is an entry control loop like for loops i.e., it first check the condition at the start of the loop and if its true then it enters the loop and executes the block of statement which is

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Access modifier in PHP

What are Access Modifiers ? Access modifiers are object-oriented programming that is used to set the accessibility of classes, constructors, methods, and other members of php.Using the access modifiers we can set the scope or accessibility of these classes, methods, constructors, and other members.  There are three types of access modifier in PHP public protected private Public :- When we define class members as public, then they are accessible from anywhere, even from outside of the class scope. eg:- Protected: Class members

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How to get data from database and display in homepage in laravel

step1 create a controller usning following comand php artisan make:controller StudentController use the code mentioned below in controller :- <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\Request;Use App\User; class StudentController extends Controller{      public function index()    {         $students = User::all();       return view(‘home’,compact(‘students’));   }} Step 2 Using foreach loop just display the data in tabular forn by creating a table in home page using mentioned below code in home.blade.php Step 3 The last and and final step is to set route to call studentController to view data. Just add following code in route/web.php Route::get(‘view-records’,’StudentController@index’)->name(‘view-records’); complted :

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Inheritance in PHP

The process of deriving or making a new class from old class is known as inheritance . syntax for decleration of child or new class :- class childClassName extends ParentClassName{            statement ;    } The code is being re-used from one class to another. We need not required to re-write the same thing again and again. Extensibility is one of the advantages of the inheritance in which we can extend the base class feature without making little or no changes to fulfill the business requirements. we

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Function in PHP

Functions are used to make the programming very easy .The code is written once in the function and whenever the code is required, the function is called by its name instead of writing the whole code again. This is the benift of using function. in other word we can say, A Function is a reusable piece or block of code that performs a particular action. It takes input from the user in the form of parameters, performs certain actions, and gives

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Constructor is a method (FUNCTIONJ) defined inside a class is called automatically at the time of creation of object. Main aim of a constructor method is to initialize the object. In PHP, a method of special name __construct acts as a constructor. There are two type of constructor in PHP Default constructor 2. Parameterized constructor Default constructor In default constructor ther are no parameter passed during the creation of constructor. eg:- Parameterized constructor In parameterized constructor the are one or more than

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The basic concepts of Object-oriented programming concepts are: Class Object Inheritance Constructor Destructor Polymorphism CLASS A class is a template which represents a real-world entity, and it defines properties and methods of the entity. It is only structure of operations , it comes in action when object is being created You could think of class properties as variables that are used to hold information about the object. Object Objects are an instance of a class. A variable holds the data

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In PHP we will take a look at file handling. We will take a look at how to open , close a file, how to read a file line by line and how to read a file character by character. Modes Description r Read only. Starts at the beginning of the file r+ Read/Write. Starts at the beginning of the file w Write only. Opens and clears the contents of file; or creates a new file if it doesn’t exist

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When you write code, you want the same block of code to run over and over again in a row. Instead of adding several almost equal code-lines in a script, we can use loops to perform this type of task .  We have the following looping statements in php :- while:- The while loop will print the loop index.  Then, the index will be checked with the while condition to process the code within the loop block. The loop will print

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Top 10 Firefox Addon every software engineers must know

Adblock Plus :-Adblock Plus is one of the best Firefox add-ons to block unwanted ads online. It hides all the unnecessary ads on websites you frequently browse – saving you bandwidth, clearing up your display’s real estate, and keeping you from loading malicious adware Disconnect  :-This privacy plugin automatically tracks sites that are collecting your data and disconnects you from them, keeping your personal info and habits 100% private and secure. Ghostery :-It is a free, open-source, privacy-enabled Firefox extension

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Top 51 Linux commands for daily use

Normal Linux user knows almost all the basic Linux commands to perform normal task such as installing any application, copying files , etc. But in this blog Iam going to list 51 essential Linux commands which can be useful for every Linux user right from the noobs to the professional Linux developers and system administrators. 1.ls Directory listing2.ls -al Formatted listing with hidden files3.ls -lt Sorting the Formatted listing by time modification cd dir Change directory to dir cd Change

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Top 20 most useful shortcut in windows operating system?

Shortcut keys are very important to do faster operation on computer system ,And for a software devloper is is must to remember the shortcut for faster productivity Windows Key Opens/closes the Start menu. Windows Key + Up Arrow Maximizes the selected window. Windows Key + Down Arrow Reduces the window size. (Restore down.) Windows Key + M Minimizes all open windows. Windows Key + Shift + M Opens minimized windows. F7 Key Launch the Spell Checker Windows Key + L

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Top 8 best methods to protecting your windows os from virus, maleware and hacking

The methods from which we can protect our window os from virus , malware and haking are :– 1. Update Windows 10 and software  Most important step you can take to keep your device and data safe and secure is to maintain Windows 10 and programs always updated. Software companies, such as Microsoft, are continuously rolling out updates to patch potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. 2.Use strong authentication :-  Password-cracking technology is quite advanced, and stronger passwords spawn

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Array’s functions in PHP

Some important array functions in php are mentioned below :- array() :- It Creates an array array_keys() :- It returns an array that contains all the keys in the input array. count() :- The count() function is used to count the elements of an array or the properties of an object. print_r() :-The print_r() function is used to print human-readable information about a variable or array.

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Message queue

What is Message queue? A message queue is a form of serial service-to-service communication used in server-less and micro-services architectures. Messages are stored on the queue until they are processed and deleted. Messaging Queue is a combination of 2 words — Message & Queue : Message is the data to be sent from producer to consume Queue contains sequence of messages, sent between applications, awaiting their turn to be processed Messages placed onto queue are stored until consumers retrieve them. What is message

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ARRAY :- Array is a variable, which can hold more than one value OR diffrent types of data types at a time in a single variable. ex- $data= array( “bikash”, 100,500,”rahul”); There are three types of array in PHP Indexed array : array with a numeric keys. Associative arrays : Arrays with named keys Multidimensional arrays : Arrays containing one or more arrays NUMERIC array:- Numeric Array is a type of array with numeric indices to access its values. However, they can store

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List of Top 5 Message queue software in 2021

1. Amazon SQS AWS practically rules the cloud-computing world, so it’s not surprising to see one of its asynchronous pub/sub MQ options listed here. Some of the advantages that you get FROM AWS High availability.. One-time delivery. MQ as a service, which can keep prices low when you use it infrequently. Unlimited queues. AWS IAM security authentication. FIFO 2.RabbitMQ  After a RabbitMQ instance has been created it is possible to send a message across languages, platforms, and OS. This way of handling

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Top 11 Chrome Extension every software engineers must know

1.ColorZilla ColorZilla is one of the oldest color picker extension launched over 8 years ago and it has successfully maintained its mantle as the best color picker and an eyedropper Chrome extension for developers or designers even today 2. Lighthouse Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. You can run it against any web page, public or requiring authentication. 3.  Site Palette It is the must-have tool for frontend developers. Sometimes we love the

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Top 21 Firefox Addon every Software Engineers must know

1. Web Developer The Web Developer add-on extends Mozilla Firefox by adding a toolbar with various options for working with web pages. For example, it has an option to inspect CSS styles of page elements that will tell you what CSS attributes they have, and which styles affect them. 2.User Agent Switcher The User Agent Switcher allows you to switch the user agent of your browser. The add-on will add an option to the tool settings. This option lets you switch the user agent.

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TOP 11 Programmers Tools and Application in 2021

 It is a list of skills which every programmer should know, except of the job he is doing. These are essential skills and will serve you for a long time. Any investment made into this in terms of time, money, and effort will help you to get the rewards throughout your career. Data Structure and Algorithms :– If you want to become a programmer, then you ought to know Data Structure and Algorithms well; there is no escape. This is

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