List out number of storage/volume drivers supported by docker?

overlay2 overlay2 is the preferred storage driver for all currently supported Linux distributions, and requires no extra configuration. fuse-overlayfs fuse-overlayfsis preferred only for running Rootless Docker on a host that does not provide support for rootless overlay2. On Ubuntu and Debian 10, the fuse-overlayfs driver does not need to be used, and overlay2 works even in rootless mode. Refer to the rootless mode documentation for details. btrfs and zfs The btrfs and zfs storage drivers allow for advanced options, such as creating “snapshots”, but require more maintenance and setup. Each of these relies on

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List out number of storage/volume drivers supported by docker

Overlay2 – preferred storage driver for all currently supported Linux distributions, and requires no extra configuration. fuse-overlayfs – preferred only for running Rootless Docker on a host that does not provide support for rootless overlay2 btrfs and zfs – The btrfs and zfs storage drivers allow for advanced options, such as creating “snapshots”, but require more maintenance and setup. Each of these relies on the backing filesystem being configured correctly Vfs –  Intended for testing purposes, and for situations where no copy-on-write filesystem can be used. Aufs

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List out number of storage/volume drivers supported by docker?

Azure File Storage plugin BeeGFS Volume Plugin Blockbridge plugin Contiv Volume Plugin Convoy plugin DigitalOcean Block Storage plugin DRBD plugin Flocker plugin Fuxi Volume Plugin gce-docker plugin GlusterFS plugin Horcrux Volume Plugin HPE 3Par Volume Plugin Infinit volume plugin IPFS Volume Plugin Keywhiz plugin Local Persist Plugin NetApp Plugin (nDVP) Netshare plugin Nimble Storage Volume Plugin OpenStorage Plugin Portworx Volume Plugin Quobyte Volume Plugin REX-Ray plugin Virtuozzo Storage and Ploop plugin VMware vSphere Storage Plugin

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List out number of storage/volume drivers supported by docker

Volume plugins Plugin Description Azure File Storage plugin Lets you mount Microsoft Azure File Storage shares to Docker containers as volumes using the SMB 3.0 protocol. Learn more. BeeGFS Volume Plugin An open source volume plugin to create persistent volumes in a BeeGFS parallel file system. Blockbridge plugin A volume plugin that provides access to an extensible set of container-based persistent storage options. It supports single and multi-host Docker environments with features that include tenant isolation, automated provisioning, encryption, secure deletion, snapshots and

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List out number of storage/volume drivers supported by docker?

overlay2 / overlay – default storage driver for all linux flavors aufs – AUFS is a union filesystem, which means it presents multiple directories called branches, in AUFS as a single directory on a single Linux host. These directories are known as layers in Docker. devicemapper – It is a block storage driver that stores data in blocks. btrfs – Only supported on SLES machine zfs – a next-generation filesystem that has many features like volume management, snapshots, checksumming, compression

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Day2: 1. List out number of storage/volume drivers supported by docker?

Docker supports several storage drivers, using a pluggable architecture. The storage driver controls how images and containers are stored and managed on your Docker host overlay2 is the preferred storage driver for all currently supported Linux distributions, and requires no extra configuration. The legacy overlay driver was used for kernels that did not support the “multiple-lowerdir” feature required for overlay2 All currently supported Linux distributions now provide support for this, and it is therefore deprecated. The aufs storage driver Was the preferred storage driver for Docker 18.06

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List out number of storage/volume drivers supported by docker?

Azure File Storage plugin BeeGFS Volume Plugin Blockbridge plugin Contiv Volume Plugin Convoy plugin DigitalOcean Block Storage plugin DRBD plugin Flocker plugin Fuxi Volume Plugin gce-docker plugin GlusterFS plugin Horcrux Volume Plugin HPE 3Par Volume Plugin Infinit volume plugin IPFS Volume Plugin Keywhiz plugin Local Persist Plugin NetApp Plugin (nDVP) Netshare plugin Nimble Storage Volume Plugin OpenStorage Plugin Portworx Volume Plugin Quobyte Volume Plugin REX-Ray plugin Virtuozzo Storage and Ploop plugin VMware vSphere Storage Plugin

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Write a example dockerfile with 2 CMD, 2 ENTRYPOINT and 1 CMD/1ENTRYPOINT and write down a behaviour of it.

FROM ubuntuMAINTAINER Rajesh Kumar <<>>ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractiveRUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get -y install tzdataRUN apt-get update && apt-get install git -y && apt-get install -yq apache2ENTRYPOINT [“/bin/echo”, “Hello” && “/bin/echo”, “Second entrypoint”] FROM ubuntuMAINTAINER Rajesh Kumar <<>>ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractiveRUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get -y install tzdataRUN apt-get update && apt-get install git -y && apt-get install -yq apache2CMD echo “Hello world” /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND

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Write an example dockerfile with 2 CMD, 2 ENTRYPOINT and 1 CMD/1 ENTRYPOINT and write down behavior of it.

root@ip-172-31-28-155:/home/ubuntu/srm# cat dockerfile_multiFROM ubuntuMAINTAINER Rajesh Kumar <<>>ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractiveRUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get -y install tzdataRUN apt-get install git -y && apt-get install -yq apache2CMD echo “Hello CMD kp”ENTRYPOINT [“/bin/echo”, “Hello Entry kannan”] root@ip-172-31-28-155:/home/ubuntu/srm# docker run -it image_multiHello Entry kannan /bin/sh -c echo “Hello CMD kp” root@ip-172-31-28-155:/home/ubuntu/srm# cat dockerfile_multiFROM ubuntuMAINTAINER Rajesh Kumar <<>>ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractiveRUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get -y install tzdataRUN apt-get install git -y && apt-get install -yq apache2CMD echo “Hello CMD kp”CMD echo “Hello CMD kannan” root@ip-172-31-28-155:/home/ubuntu/srm# docker run

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Q1. List out all INSTRUCTION statement of dockerfile and give one line explanation.

FROM – base OS we require to build our apps RUN – Run command in a container created from previous line/layer ARG – Set a variable for docker file ENV – set environment for the container EXPOSE – Sepcify information port for the container and also can be used during port forwarding COPY – Copy the file in the destinationADD – Copy the folder in the destination USER – specify the user to run PID1 WORKDIR – to set workdir

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List out all INSTRUCTION statement of dockerfile and give one line explanation.

FROM : Set base image MAINTAINER : Author of docker file RUN : Run the commands in new layer VAR : Used to set variable, we can re-use these variables later EXPOSE : specify port of the container COPY : Copy files to the container ADD : copy files into container and extract it USER : Set the runtime user ENV : set environment variable CMD : to set PID1 ENTRY POINT : to set PID1 WORK DIR : set

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List out all INSTRUCTION statement of dockerfile and give one line explanation.

FROM : Set base image MAINTAINER : Author of docker file RUN : Run the commands in new layer VAR : Used to set variable, we can re-use these variables later EXPOSE : specify port of the container COPY : Copy files to the container ADD : copy files into container and extract it USER : Set the runtime user ENV : set environment variable CMD : to set PID1 ENTRY POINT : to set PID1 WORK DIR : set

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List out all INSTRUCTION statement of dockerfile and give one line explanation.

FROMSpecifies the base image. Specified docker image will be downloaded from registry if locally not available.Eg: FROM ubuntu MAINTAINERSpecifies the meta data about the user who creates. LABELSpecifies meta data about the image. It will be in key value pair format Eg: LABEL “Application_Environment”=”Development” LABEL “Application_Support”=” Group” EXPOSEExpose instruction is used to inform about the network port the container listens on runtime. Eg: EXPOSE 80 443 EXPOSE 80/tcp 8080/udp ADDThe instruction helps to copy files, directories and remote URL files

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