What are the components of Kubernetes master and explain each component’s function?

API server : It is the front end for the Kubernetes control plane, exposes the Kubernetes API. All other components interact with api server. SchedulerThis is one of the key components of Kubernetes master. It is a service in master responsible for distributing the workload. Controller ManagerControls the Kubernetes cluster. It includes the Endpoints Controller, Replication Controller, and Namespace Controller etc etcd : Consistent and highly-available key value store used as Kubernetes’ backing store for all cluster data

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List out number of storage/volume drivers supported by docker?

Azure File Storage plugin BeeGFS Volume Plugin Blockbridge plugin Contiv Volume Plugin Convoy plugin DigitalOcean Block Storage plugin DRBD plugin Flocker plugin Fuxi Volume Plugin gce-docker plugin GlusterFS plugin Horcrux Volume Plugin HPE 3Par Volume Plugin Infinit volume plugin IPFS Volume Plugin Keywhiz plugin Local Persist Plugin NetApp Plugin (nDVP) Netshare plugin Nimble Storage Volume Plugin OpenStorage Plugin Portworx Volume Plugin Quobyte Volume Plugin REX-Ray plugin Virtuozzo Storage and Ploop plugin VMware vSphere Storage Plugin

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List out all INSTRUCTION statement of dockerfile and give one line explanation.

FROM : Set base image MAINTAINER : Author of docker file RUN : Run the commands in new layer VAR : Used to set variable, we can re-use these variables later EXPOSE : specify port of the container COPY : Copy files to the container ADD : copy files into container and extract it USER : Set the runtime user ENV : set environment variable CMD : to set PID1 ENTRY POINT : to set PID1 WORK DIR : set

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