Why ‘kubernetes’ service ?

Analysis: kubectl describe svc kubernetes ‘kubernetes’ is a clusterIP service. (ie can be accessed only inside the cluster.) It has no selector specified.( So no automatic LB.) But endpoints specified(maybe hardcoded) as ( that means all the requests to this service will be routed to Now you can see the its the IP and port corresponding to APIServer pod. Conclusion: So kubernetes service act as a service for APIServer Pod. Other pods inside the cluster like Scheduler, Controller

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Complete guide of DevOps certification courses, tutorials & training

What is DevOps? DevOps is the combination of individuals, process and technology to provide value to customers continuously. DevOps enables formerly siloed roles—development, IT operations, quality engineering and security— to collaborate to provide better as well as more reliable products. By adopting a DevOps culture together with DevOps practices and tools, teams gain the flexibility to higher reply to customer requirements, increase confidence within the applications they build, as a result growth becomes speedy which leads to achieve business goals

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How to become a Scala Developer?

A Scala developer is an expert in the object-oriented and high-level programming language, Scala. They design, develop and test technical solutions and components for organizations and build enterprise applications on the cloud. What is Scala? Scala is a functional, object-oriented programming language characterized by a compact and concise programming style. Scala runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and is particularly well suited for developing complex applications. Scala supports many libraries and APIs and as the name suggests, is a

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What is Pod in kubernetes.

Pods are the atomic unit of kubernetes. Pod  is a group of one or more containers. Pods can only be instantiated not created. Pods can be created using yaml or json. Pod has multiple states. Running, Pending and succeeded/failed Each pod connects to common pod network Pods can only be instantiated not created Service serves as an internal load balancer for pod Each pod has an ip and port If more than one container are available in a pod. Each container

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What is Pod in kubernetes. Explain 15 points with image as an example

It is an atomic scheduling unit in a Kubernetes cluster. It is a logical unit. Every container running in the cluster nodes will be wrapped up by the POD. In one POD there can be multiple container running. It is called tight coupling. Prefered way is run one container in one POD. It is called loose coupling. Each POD will have its own IP address. There will be POD nw connecting all the PODS in a cluster irrespective of the

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Pods in Kubernetes

A pod is the smallest working unit in Kubernetes.A pod will have one or more containers (when there are multiple containers, they share the resources on the pods) Kubernetes runs the containers through pods only.When scaling is required, the pod is replicated.Pods are ephemeral and disposable – they cannot be reinstantiated after the lifecycle, a similar pod can be instantiated.

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What is Pod in kubernetes. Exaplain in 15 points with image as an example

Below are the Features of pods Pods are the atomic unit of kubernetes. Pods run on worker node. Pods can contain one or more container. Pods doesn’t exist without a container. All pods in a cluster are connected to a pod network. Pods are temporary [once removed will be removed for ever]. A pod pass through these phases : Ready,Pending,succeeded,Failed. Services running in pods are accessed using pod IP. All pods can communicate with each other on all nodes. All

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Assignment of Day3

Write down 10 features of Kubernetes with image Reduce the complexity of container Container orchestration Scheduling user requests Scaling containers Load balancing the containers Rollback containers Self-healing Monitoring Add-ons  like ingress, dns Ability to absorb changes quickly What are the components of Kubernetes master and explain each component’s function? There are 4 major components in kubernetes master. 1. API server -> Collect or get the user input and act as a front end to control plane 2. Controller -> responsible

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Pods are the smallest deployable units of computing that you can create and manage in Kubernetes. A Pod (as in a pod of whales or pea pod) is a group of one or more containers. A pod with multiple container is not a good practice Pods can be created using yaml or json Pod has multiple states. Running, Pending and succeeded/failed Each pod connects to common pod network Each pod is an application Pods can only be instantiated not created Service

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What is Pod in kubernetes. Exaplin in 15 points with image as an example

Pod is the smallest execution unit in kubernetes Pod is not a physical entity. it is a logical entity. Pod is a group of one or more container Pod will contain one main container and other sidecar containers Storage and network will be shared among different containers inside a pod. pod lifecycle is pending, running, succeeded or failed. It will start in pending phase If any primary containers starts OK, state will change to running. If any containers terminated with

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Components of Kubernetes Worker Node:

Control Plane The clusters are controlled by the component plane. The scheduling, instantiating a pod and deployments are handled by the control plane. kubelet The process responsible for communication between the Kubernetes control plane and the node. Container Runtime A runtime responsible for the managing the container.

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What is Pod in kubernetes. Exaplin in 15 points with image as an example

Pod is the atomic unit of scheduler in K8s. Pods contains one or more containers, at least one. K8s(kubelet) will instantiate pods. Pod is running as long the container inside is running. Life cycle of pod – Pending, Running, Succeded/ Failed Pods will communicate with each other through a pod network – inter pod communication. If the pods are in same node, it will communicate via localhost. We can’t get the same pod again. We can get the similar pod.

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What are the components of Kubernetes master and explain each component’s function?

API Server: All the incoming/outgoing communication with Kubernetes cluster happening through API Server. APIServer is a RESTful server. Workstations/Client uses Kubectl tool for communicating with the API Server. API Server expects the inputs in JSON format. All the communication with the Master node worker nodes are also happening through API Server. Scheduler/Controller Manager uses API Server for all the communications with the worker nodes. Authentication and authorization. Etcd: This is the storage mechanism Kubernetes Master node has. All the details

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Kubernetes worker – components and function

Kubernetes worker or Minion or Node runs the actual workload.It reports the status of the application to the cluster “Master” and also listens to any change in the application definition on the Master. It has three components: KubeletRegisters a node with its clusterIt watches the AI server for changes in the definition of the applicationinstantiates podsreports the health status of the pods to the masterendpoint is 10255 Kube proxy Handles the networking for the KubernetesAll containers in a pod shares

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What are the components of Kubernetes worker and explain each component’s function?

kubelet – This is the main K8s agent. It inistantiates the pods in the node. It helps to register nodes with cluster. Its always watch the api server. kube-proxy – Its support for K8s networking. It provide ip address for the pods. Each pods inside a node will have same ip address. kube-proxy rules All pods communicate with each other on all nodes. All nodes communicate with all pods No network address translation – NAT pod – It is an

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What are the components of Kubernetes worker and explain each component’s function?

Kubelet: Resides in each worker nodes. Registers the node to the master node. Instantiate the Pods. Container Runtime (Docker): For managing and running the containers. Kube-Proxy: It is a nw proxy. Implements nw rules on PODS. Fecilitate the communication with in the cluster and outside the cluster. All the networking related supports are done by this component. Can say like a virtual n/w card for the nodes. Responsible for assigning IP addresses and all.

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