What is Docker Images and Exaplin in 10 bullet lines?

• A Docker image is a file used to execute code in a Docker container.• Docker images act as a set of instructions to build a Docker container, like a template.• Docker images also act as the starting point when using Docker.• An image is comparable to a minimal lightweight snapshot in virtual machine (VM) environments.• Docker image contains application code, libraries, tools, dependencies and other files needed to make an application run.• When a user runs an image, it

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Assignment 1 Day 2

What is Storage Driver and types of Storage Driver? Explain with Images.A docker image can have different layers. When a container is created out of this image it will also have a writable layer on top of all the read only layers created out of the image. A storage driver manages all these layers making it appear as a single file system to the user. Multiple implementations of storage driver are available. What is Docker Images and Explain 10 bullet

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Docker Images

> Docker is a read-only template with instructions for creating a Docker container.. > An image may be an independent or may be based on other image with some customization. > It is a file which is used to execute the code in Docker container. >The docker image runs only in the docker platform. >A Docker image contains application code, libraries, tools, dependencies and other files needed to make an application run >It might be a group of files or

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What is Docker Images and Explain in 10 bullet lines?

Collection of file systems, ROOTFS, APPFS, USERFS. One copy of docker image can attach to many containers. From one image multiple containers can be created File system layered over each other. Higher layer wins. Each layer is each File system Layer 0 should be base image or Root FS Once image is attached to container, these layers will be attached to the container as a single layer The layers in the image will be in read only format, and to

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Day2: Create one image which have base as ubuntu and with git -ntp – apache2

root@ip-172-31-28-155:/var/lib/docker# docker run -itd –name anoop_ubuntu_base ubuntubcba3eb8cfb3d221c9f8f753a65c86ee5ea924d8c69438342d3e83d429d572a9root@ip-172-31-28-155:/var/lib/docker# docker ps | grep anoopbcba3eb8cfb3 ubuntu “bash” 5 seconds ago Up 4 seconds anoop_ubuntu_baseroot@ip-172-31-28-155:/var/lib/docker# docker attach bcba3eb8cfb3 root@bcba3eb8cfb3:/# apt-get update root@bcba3eb8cfb3:/# apt-get install git root@bcba3eb8cfb3:/# apt-get install httpd root@bcba3eb8cfb3:/# apt-get install mini-httpd root@bcba3eb8cfb3:/# which git/usr/bin/git root@bcba3eb8cfb3:/# mini_httpdbind: Address already in use root@bcba3eb8cfb3:/# apt-get install ntpReading package lists… Done root@ip-172-31-28-155:/var/lib/docker# docker ps | grep anoopbcba3eb8cfb3 ubuntu “bash” 6 minutes ago Up 6 minutes anoop_ubuntu_base root@ip-172-31-28-155:/var/lib/docker# docker commit -a “anoop” -m “ubuntu with git, ntp

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What is Storage Driver and types of Storage Driver?

The Linux kernel device drivers are, essentially, a shared library of privileged, memory resident, low level hardware handling routines. It is Linux’s device drivers that handle the peculiarities of the devices they are managing. One of the basic features of is that it abstracts the handling of devices The following is a list of the types of docker storage driver which can be configured and their use case: • overlay2 – This is the preferred storage driver for all Linux distributions• aufs –

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What is Docker Images and Exaplin in 10 bullet lines?

All layers in a docker image is Read only. All layers in an image is merged to one layer while creating the container.. Docker image is a collection of files systems. A docker image is a template for docker container. One docker image can be used to create multiple containers File systems are layered over each other Layer 0 have the root filesystem Each layer in image will have 40 character length UUID generated by SHA 256 algorithm.

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Assignment for docker day2

What is Docker Images and Explain in 10 bullet lines? Collection of file systems One copy of docker image get attached to each container. From one image multiple containers can be created Layered structure Each layer is each File system Layer 0 should be base image or Root FS Once image is attached to container, these layers will be attached to the container as a single layer The layers in image will be on read only format, and to have

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