Why Continuous Delivery is Key for Developer Career Success

Source:- xebialabs.com When people talk about Continuous Delivery, it’s usually in the context of how it improves the software delivery process and contributes to generating business revenue. Both are true and valid points, but they don’t directly address the opportunities for career growth Continuous Delivery offers for developers. But keep in mind that Continuous Delivery is not a flash in the pan. The concept has been around since at least 2010 when Dave Farley and Jez Humble released their top-selling

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The Value of Service Virtualization for Agile and DevOps Teams

Source:- techwell.com In our current software development and testing landscape, it’s critical to pinpoint and eliminate as many bottlenecks as humanly possible. If there’s something along your regular development lifecycle that can be tweaked or moved around for the sake of greater speed and better quality, it’s a no-brainer to make that move. If you’re looking to remove these constraints, service virtualization should be high up on your list of things to take advantage of in 2017. The idea is

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Continuous Integration Testing with Jenkins

In software development and testing fields, Continuous Integration (CI) is an exercise of combining all development work to a shared main server several times a day.  The goal of CI is to reduce time and effort required for a product launch. The process of continuous integration is achieved with the help of version control, strategies & contracts and special tools. One of the famous tools used for CI testing is Jenkins. “Jenkins is an open source automation tool, which can

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Test-Driven Development for JavaScript

Source:- codeship.com JavaScript is handsdown the strangest language I’ve ever had to test. Its also one of the most popular ones out there right now. The influx of JavaScript developers tells us that a lot of modern-day web development is starting to focus more and more on the frontend. This trend is interesting because it represents a shift in development that we’ve never seen before. Our applications are being composed of more and more JavaScript. However, are we effectively testing

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How Serverless Computing is Changing the Cloud

Source:- datamation.com Technology never stands still, both in invention and execution. One of the newest trends is also one of the most misleading because of the term: Serverless computing. The term suggests that no back-end servers are used – when that is not at all the case. It just means servers are no longer your concern. The first wave of the move away from servers is well underway with the move from on-premises hardware in company data centers toward renting

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Storing code in the cloud: Yes or no?

Source:- jaxenter.com Cloud computing is undoubtedly one of the biggest things to happen in the IT world in recent years, and it has quickly emerged as a preferred method of safe and convenient data and document storage. Spending on cloud services is rapidly increasing, with experts estimating a global revenue jump from $80 billion in 2015 to $167 billion in 2020, yet adoption rates of cloud computing aren’t quite where we’d expect. So why is this? Interestingly, there are some

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Why a combination of agile and DevOps is essential in propelling digital transformation

Source:- itproportal.com It’s no surprise that the current appetite for agile and DevOps is immense, largely driven by the pressures of the app economy and the need to deliver optimal customer value. Businesses are transforming the way in which they design, develop, and deliver applications so they can offer higher quality apps to customers, faster than ever before. In this environment, software development processes such as agile and DevOps practices, have become crucial to digital transformation success. Organisations want –

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The top open source rookie projects of the year to watch

Source:- zdnet.com Open-source projects underpin many of today’s popular apps, software packages, and online services. If a vendor releases code to the open-source community, license restrictions are removed and software can be integrated into other systems. From Google’s end-to-end encryption system E2EMail to the Netflix cross-scripting site vulnerability scanner Sleepy Puppy, open-source development is thriving and thousands of developers contribute their time to improving coding and ferreting out bugs every month. There are ongoing open-source projects which have been built

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The 8 Principles of Continuous Delivery

Source:- dbmaestro.com Continuous delivery promotes the adoption of an automated deployment pipeline to release software into production reliably and quickly. Its goal is to establish an optimized end-to-end process, enhance the development to production cycles, lower the risk of release problems and provide a quicker time to market. To that point,  Jez Humble and Dave Farley define the 8 principles of continuous delivery in their Book “Continuous Delivery” as follows: 1.  Repeatable Reliable Process Use the same release process in all

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An Interview: Continuous Delivery, the ObjectStyle Way

Source:- dzone.com In this interview, Alesia Krush talks to Evgeny Vintik, a Team Lead at ObjectStyle, about his experience making Continuous Integration part of his team’s day-to-day software development routine. OS: As far as I know, you were the one who introduced Continuous Integration into your team’s routine here at ObjectStyle. What inspired you to do that? EV: Prior to ObjectStyle, I worked for a company where Continuous Integration was the norm. We were using TeamCity to cooperate and were

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All Test Case Management Tools Are Not Created Equal

Source:- ulitzer.com If you’ve used test case management tools before, you’ll understand that there are a range of products on the market. There are old standards that have been around since before the dawn of the World Wide Web, and there are relative market newcomers that offer different levels of sophistication. Here are the factors that make the difference between test case management tools that help and those that hinder. Test Case Management Tools Should Cooperate with Issue Management Tools

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Microservices: To Do or Not to Do

Source:- sys-con.com As enterprise business moves from monoliths to microservices, adoption and successful implementations of microservices become more evident. The goal of microservices is to improve software delivery speed and increase system safety as scale increases. Documenting hurdles and problems for the use of microservices will help consultants, architects and specialists to avoid repeating the same mistakes and learn how and when to use (or not use) microservices at the enterprise level. The circumstance when microservices is an appropriate solution

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Six Tips for Using DevOps to Combat Security Vulnerabilities

Source:- samsung.com Growing requirements from stakeholders for rapid app deployment means more businesses need to explore DevOps to ensure collaboration between their development and operations teams during the development life-cycle. In a recent BMC/Forbes security survey, 60 percent of executives said their IT and security teams “have only a general or a little understanding of each other’s requirements.” Additionally, the report revealed that these two groups often have goals that are out of sync. Such complications lead to companies taking

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10 Reasons To Use Docker With .NET

Source:- stackify.com When you think of Docker, you probably don’t think of .NET or Windows. There are a lot of good reasons to use Docker with .NET. Check out our top 10 list of reasons to use Docker with .NET to see if Docker can help you! 1. Pre-Made Runtime Environment Generally, when you set up a server machine (or virtual machine), you have to install the operating system, any software needed by the application (web server, SDK, et. al.)

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Why automation doesn’t necessarily remove the need for QA

Source:- techrepublic.com In software development, the rise of automation tools has largely eliminated human involvement. ON one hand, it’s easy to say that automation has further eliminated the need for QA but that’s not the case. As experts have noted, QA is still essential, as is human intervention in some cases, to ensure a quality product is deployed. “Test automation may largely eliminate the need for manual testing in some scenarios, but it will never eliminate the need for QA,”

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Is DevOps security about behavior or process?

Source:- networkworld.com One of my main roles is improving the security of the software produced by my employer, and it was in that role that I attended the annual gathering of the security industry in San Francisco last week. The RSA Conference is one of the two global security conferences I attend, the other being Blackhat. While Blackhat has become more corporate, it’s still dominated by hackers and focuses more on vulnerabilities, whereas RSA is very much a corporate event

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Ten project tools that every development team could use

Source:- sdtimes.com Every year, new tools, frameworks and languages arrive, and every year developers must sit down and see if they’ll actually save any time by diverting current projects (or planning new ones) with them. We’ve gone through the maternity ward of tooling and picked out the brightest prospects for the coming months and years. Among this year’s fresh young faces are some new items, some updated older entrants, and some runaway hits that are worthy of your attentions. Cycligent

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DevOps and Automation: There’s a Big Difference

Source:- enterprisetech.com Confusion abounds that DevOps and development automation are synonymous. An online search for implementing DevOps practices leads to lists of tools meant to automate everything from development to QA to deployment. While automation is certainly a key aspect of DevOps, the two are not identical in practice. Businesses that misunderstand that concept are often faced with less optimized workflows, and it can lead organizations to assume automation tools are the silver bullet to solving their IT problems. Understanding

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Continuous deployment for your tests

Source:- microfocus.com Why would you want to continuously deploy your tests? Release fast and release often. This core principle of modern software development provides numerous advantages, for example earlier customer feedback, faster response cycles, and overall higher customer satisfaction. When trying to increase your release frequency, you will be faced with many testing issues, including the following: Changing tests might lead to unexpected failures (false-positives) or unwanted passes (false-negatives). The probability of introducing breaking changes to your automated test set

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Containers, clusters and coding: Here’s what’s coming in 2017

Source:- itproportal.com Everyone talks about containers. It became so huge that we think Docker has existed for a long time. The fact is that it has only started. We can observe that by the amount of changes we are seeing. Docker from two years ago is very different than Docker today. Products in its ecosystem are appearing every day and many are disappearing just as quickly. If there is a space we should turn our attention to, that’s containers. At

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