DevOps : A real balancing act for CIOs between business benefits and security

Source – Bangalore: Adoption of DevOps is on a rise among enterprises and organisations. The new DevOps approach combines the two key aspects – software development and operations across business functions within the organisation. It helps organisation to bring the softwaredevelopment and business operationscloser, allowing them to collaborate and function in a more coordinated and efficient way. This enables continuous and faster software delivery cycles. Business benefits  “It certainly does offer benefits in terms of time to market. In this day and age, IT is part of doing business and it

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Why agile is key to whole-business transformation

Source – To maintain a competitive edge in today’s evolving marketplace, businesses should refocus their strategies, putting customers at their heart and more efficiently prioritising tasks. A new operating system is required – one that empowers networks of small teams to collaborate so that they can constantly deliver value to customers, and in which leaders provide the clarity of vision to align everyone. This whole-business transformation is an absolute must for survival. Think this sounds extreme? Companies need to transform,

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Source – Organizations are embracing DevOps, although they’d do well to steer past the known pitfalls that have caused several similar attempts to stumble. This is just paramount advice. The Rightscale 2017 State of the Cloud report suggested that 72 percent of SMBs and 84 percent of enterprises have already adopted some DevOps practices. Promises of better customer satisfaction, productivity improvements, more business development, and greater agility are key factors driving the shift toward DevOps. Is DevOps the perfect choice for all, then?

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The Cloud And DevOps: The Perfect Marriage

Source – If you have been in the business of technology for any amount of time, you know that whenever there is a promising technology trend, companies are eager to exploit it for their own gain. This is not as cynical as it first may sound. Of course, when a new trend arises, it only makes sense to develop products and business plans that align with the shifting market. An interesting side effect of companies coalescing behind technology trends is

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How DevOps Drives Digital Transformation (and Vice Versa)

Source – You’re hearing a lot today about the drive toward digital transformation. You’re also hearing a lot about the competitive need to implement a DevOps model. What savvy companies realize is that DevOps drives digital transformation, and vice versa. Digital transformation is a model in which companies rethink traditional processes and approaches and embrace digital solutions and automation to increase innovation. DevOps, meanwhile, is a software development and delivery process that emphasizes communication and collaboration among product management, software

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IT leaders: How the systems administrator role can stay relevant

Source – The traditional IT systems administrator role is an endangered species due to the emergence of cloud computing and new forms of application development. That’s why it’s incumbent on those in the field to find new ways to remain relevant in their companies. That hard reality was broached by Google’s Dave Rensin during a panel discussion on innovation in the digital age at a Rackspace roadshow in New York. Rensin, who heads Google’s customer reliability engineering team, should know

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Cloud + DevOps: A Winning Combination

Source – “It takes two flints to make a fire.”—Louisa May Alcott As the use of digital technology and the app economy mushroom, businesses and organizations struggle to provide all the storage and infrastructure they need in their own data centers. For business, it’s not simply a challenge; it’s a matter of survival. Without safe storage and rapidly available infrastructure they can’t stay competitive. Hence, the cloud. The app economy demands more than just storage and infrastructure to stay competitive,

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Opportunity focus: USCIS seeks agile innovation with DevSecOps

Source – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is prepping two solicitations for Development, Security and Operations (DevSecOps) services — with the first laying the foundation for the advanced programs requested in the second. DevSecOps, the combination of DevOps and information security, is an agile approach to delivering secure software applications quickly. In the first solicitation, the USCIS Office of Information Technology is looking for a vendor to build and enhance systems in the cloud. Click here to download the request for information. The second solicitation builds on that

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DevOps and Cloud Combo Boosts Software Performance

Source – While relatively few companies are making extensive use of both cloud computing and DevOps, those that commit to both are achieving vastly improved key performance indicators (KPIs) as a result, according to a recent survey from CA Technologies. The accompanying report, “DevOps and Cloud Computing: Exploiting the Synergy for Business Advantage,” reveals that the organizations that do invest heavily in both the cloud and DevOps fare much better at improving the quality of software they produce, while reducing

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DevOps in Mainframe Using Compuware

DevOps in Mainframe Using Compuware The vast majority of new business initiatives involve the mainframe: 57% always and 39% sometimes, according to a recent study. Are your DevOps teams and your mainframe prepared to face this increasing digital activity and deliver quality results faster? Compuware’s Agile/DevOps solutions are changing the way developers develop by helping experienced staff and new hires perform mainframe-related tasks with agility, efficiency and precision. And integrations with popular mainstream tools allow mainframe and non-mainframe teams to

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How DevOps can improve mainframe app agility

Source – Many enterprises suffer from so-called SOS. Shiny object syndrome is a common ailment that occurs when IT or another team in the organization encourages the business to chase after the newer and more modern over the tried-and-true. It’s not a fatal approach, but it does hold back enterprises, especially those with DevOps initiatives, from realizing the full potential of their tools. Nothing exemplifies this better than your humble, neglected mainframe. Today’s mainframe isn’t ill, or on its deathbed,

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Why and How to Bring DevOps to the Mainframe

Source – Can you do DevOps on your mainframe? That might seem like a silly question. DevOps is among the newest trends in IT, and mainframes are an established, “legacy” technology. Pairing the two may appear to make little sense. In fact, however, there are plenty of reasons to integrate mainframes into DevOps workflows. And thanks to technologies that make it easy to bridge the divide between mainframes and other infrastructure, doing DevOps on mainframes is not at all as

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DevOps on the Mainframe

Source – Chris O’Malley Compuware Most discussions of DevOps assume that the “dev” is being done exclusively in programming languages of recent vintage and that the “ops” are occurring exclusively on distributed or cloud platforms. There are, however, at least three compelling reasons to have a DevOps discussion that focuses on the mainframe. REASON #1: NECESSITY Much, if not most, of the world’s most economically valuable code still runs on the mainframe in languages such as COBOL, PL/I, and Assembler.

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Source – DevOps is essentially a journey of Continuous Improvement Organizations that become better at delivering software are better equipped to compete and win in today’s economy. The maturity, speed and quality of your software releases have become a key differentiator and a competitive advantage for the business. Enterprises across the board are adopting DevOps to optimize their software delivery pipeline – allowing for greater speed and agility while mitigating the risk of failed releases. DevOps is essentially a journey of Continuous Improvement – and

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The future of AppSec: Stop fighting the last war

Source – It’s a cornerstone of military doctrine: when you focus too much on the last battle you faced, you miss signs of the new battleground taking shape. The principle holds as true for cybersecurity as it does for cavalries and tanks. The surest way to put your organization at risk is to keep your defense strategy rooted in the past – especially it wasn’t all that effective in the first place. If tactics like slow gatekeeping controls haven’t been

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Ellucian CIO: Cloud era demands new IT skillset

Source – Much of the urgency around digital transformation is a result of the fact that more and more companies – regardless of their history, size, or business model – are having to transform themselves into technology companies to stay competitive. You might think companies that started out as technology companies are at an advantage, but the pace of change today is accelerating. In this environment, you can rely less and less often on your past. You must keep looking

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Stumped by DevOps? Experts share their views on how to do DevOps right

Source – Back in the day, there were software development teams, and there were operations teams, and they might say hello to each other a few times a year at the company picnic. But that hasn’t been the case for a long time, as the expectations for how quickly software should be developed and running have changed quite a bit. Now, teams are expected to collaborate more closely to deliver software when it is ready. This is called “DevOps,” and

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5 mistakes Android developers must avoid

Source – Android has matured to a great extent and has evolved as one of the most beloved platforms among smartphone users. In fact, “Android accounted for more than 80 percent of all smartphone sales to end users worldwide in 2016,” according to Statista. Moreover, according to Gartner, “Google’s Android extended its lead by capturing 82 percent of the total market in the fourth quarter of 2016.” With the introduction of Lollipop, Jelly Bean, Marshmallow, Nougat and O (which could come next month)

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Accelerate DevOps by Automating Security

Source – DevOps teams are under enormous pressure to accelerate development cycles and improve quality assurance. We live in a world where IT consumerization is a fact of life and speed to market is not just an enormous competitive differentiator but an absolute necessity. This is why DevOps teams are embracing modern initiatives such as agile development, containers and microservices. Demands for speed and accuracy—along with the potential for cost savings—are also driving DevOps’ growing reliance on cloud services: DevOps

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The Relationship Between The Cloud And DevOps

Source – Most companies understand that if they want to increase their competitiveness in today’s swiftly changing world, they can’t ignore digital transformation. DevOps and cloud computing are oft-touted as vital ways companies can achieve this needed transformation, though the relationship between the two is often confusing, as DevOps is about process and process improvement whereas cloud computing is about technology and services. Not mutually exclusive, it’s important to understand how the cloud and DevOps work together to help businesses

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