7. List of 20 docker commands and its use cases with example? by Johnson

docker ps — To check running containers docker images — To check pulled images docker pull — To pull images from docker hub registry docker push — To push custom images to docker hub registry docker run — To start and run a container docker exec — To enter inside the container with shell docker start — To start a container docker stop — To stop a container docker restart — To restart a container docker build — To build

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1. Components of Docker and its Brief Summary by Bharath Srinivas

Docker Engine:It is the main part of docker system. It follows client-server architecture.It is installed on host machine. It contains:1.Server: It is called as dockerd used to manage images containers network2.Rest API: used to instruct daemon3.CLI: where we run the docker commands Docker Client:when you run commandon CLI client sends to daemon which makes the action.Docker clientcan communicate with more than one daemon Docker Registry:It is the location where docker images are stored.it can be public or a privatewhen we

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5. List of dockerfile instructions and its Brief Summary? by Johnson

FROM : To create a base image such as an operating system RUN: A RUN instruction is used to run specified commands. We can use multiple RUN instructions to run different commands. CMD: If we need to run a default command that executed for all the containers of the image. If we want to run command during docker run command it overrides the default one. ENTRYPOINT: If we try to specify default arguments in the docker run command, it will

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1.Components of Docker and its Brief Summary by Johnson

Components of docker are Docker engine Docker registry Docker image Docker container Docker engine Docker engine is a command-line and it is interact with docker daemon. When we run docker commands the instructions sends to the daemon and perform operation by other components. Docker registry Docker registry is a hosted service where the docker images are stored. We can create an repository and store our own images also. It has both private and public repositories. Docker image. Docker image is

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Docker Assignment & Projects

How to submit assignment? Write Ansswer for the following questions and submit answer at BestDevOps.com as new post for each questions 1. Components of Docker and its Brief Summary 2. What is the differenet between docker pause and unpause? 3. What is the differenet between docker stop and kill? 4. What is the differenet between docker exec and attach? 5. List of dockerfile instructions and its Brief Summary? 6. What is the differenet between CMD vs Entrypoint 7. List of

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Docker and its brief

Components of Docker and its Brief Summary: Docker Components : Docker Engine: Core part of the docker system. It consists following 3 components: Server: It is the docker daemon called dockerd. It can create and manage docker images. Containers, networks, etc. Rest API: It is used to instruct docker daemon what to do. Command Line Interface (CLI): It is a client which is used to enter docker commands Docker Client: Docker users can interact with Docker through a client. When any docker

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What is Observability? How would it benefit SRE teams? Eva

Observability of a system is a property which determines how well the system’s availability, reliability and functionality can be understood using its metrics,logs,traces and events. A system’s observability helps SRE teams understand why a function is failing, or why the performance is degrading and also predict future events. Having observability of applications and systems allows SRE teams to focus and detect issues faster and respond to them sooner compared to only having monitoring and alerting systems.

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Top 10 commands of DataDog.??  Ravishankar

Start the Agent – systemctl start datadog-agentStop the Agent – systemctl stop datadog-agentRestart the Agent – systemctl restart datadog-agentStatus of the agent systemctl status datadog-agentPrint all configurations – datadog-agent configcheckRuntime configuration – datadog-agent configPrint the ggent health – datadog-agent healthPrint the hostname of Agent – datadog-agent hostnamePrint version – datadog-agent versionHelp about any command – datadog-agent help

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Top 10 commands of DataDog. (Ananthu)

datadog-agent version : To know the current version of the Datadog agent running on the system. 2. datadog-agent status: To know the current status of the datadog agent installed on the system. 3. datadog-agent health: To run the health-check on the datadog agent. 4. datadog agent hostname: To know the hostname on which the datadog agent is running. 5. datadog-agent –help: To display command usage. 6. datadog-agent flare: flare gathers all of the Agent’s configuration files and logs into an

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What is observability and how it would benefit SRE Team ?

Observability means to understand what’s happening across all the components of an application and using it to detect and resolve issues keeping the systems reliable and efficient. As the application architecture is getting complex day by day, it would be difficult for the SRE/OPS team to have a proper monitoring/ failure detection setup for each and every component that’s where observability beats monitoring. Modern cloud environments are dynamic and constantly changing in scale and complexity, most problems are neither known

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