Build a form with validation

Apps often require users to enter information into a text field. For example, you might require users to log in with an email address and password combination. To make apps secure and easy to use, check whether the information the user has provided is valid. If the user has correctly filled out the form, process the information. If the user submits incorrect information, display a friendly error message letting them know what went wrong. In this example, learn how to

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How to create a number input field in Flutter? Only 10 digital

To limit the number of digits entered in a TextField widget to 10 digits, you can use the inputFormatters property of the TextField widget. In this code, we have created a regular expression tenDigitsOnly that matches only digits and has a maximum length of 10. Then we have passed it to the FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow() method which allows only characters that match the provided regular expression. By using this code, the user will only be able to enter up to 10 digits

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How to FuttureBuilder display only one data in Flutter

To display only one data using FutureBuilder<List>, you can modify the builder method of the FutureBuilder widget to return a single widget instead of a list. Here’s an Step -1 Step -2 To display only the first item of data in the ItemList widget, you can modify the itemCount property of ListView.builder to 1 instead of list.length. Then, you can access the first item in the list using list[0] instead of list[i]. Here’s an updated version of the ItemList widget:

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Online Image Processor Tool

An image processor is a powerful tool for editing and manipulating images. With its simple and user-friendly interface, anyone can use this image processor to enhance their images and achieve their desired results. This tool is perfect for those who need to quickly resize or convert their images, whether for personal or professional use. With this tool, you can upload your image, adjust its height and width, and even convert it from JPEG to PNG. Once you’ve made the desired

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How to Solve invalid vcs root mapping error android studio

“VCS root mapping” refers to the way a Version Control System (VCS) like Git, Subversion, or Mercurial maps files in a repository to a local directory structure on a developer’s machine. An “invalid VCS root mapping” error typically occurs when the mapping between the repository and the local directory structure is incorrect or missing. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

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How to post an image to LARAVEL API in FLUTTER

Most online registration forms require the user to upload images. Adding an image upload feature to mobile apps can be challenging for some developers. This article will show you step by step how to upload images on your FLUTTER app to a LARAVEL RESTFUL API. This article has two parts. PART 1. LARAVEL API Step 1: Create a new laravel project using composer. You can give it any name but in this case, we will name it ImageApi. Step 2: In the created

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How can I bring an image from an api and show it in my app?

I believe you’re referring to storing images in Flutter using an API and a package called “image_picker” to select images from the device. Here’s an example of how you can achieve that: Step 1: Import the necessary packages First, you need to import the http and image_picker packages in your Flutter app. Add the following dependencies to your pubspec.yaml file: Then, run flutter pub get to download and install the packages. Step 2: Add Image Picker UI in your app

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Online Best PDF viewer

An online PDF viewer is a web-based application that allows users to view PDF documents without the need for additional software. It provides an easy and convenient way to access and read PDF files from anywhere, on any device with an internet connection. Online PDF viewers also offer basic features such as zooming, scrolling, and searching, making it easy for users to navigate through the document. These viewers are a valuable tool for businesses and individuals who frequently work with

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Flutter VsCode Error: You don’t have an extension for debugging YAML

If you are encountering an error in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) while trying to debug YAML files in Flutter, stating “You don’t have an extension for debugging YAML,” it typically means that VSCode is missing the appropriate extension for debugging YAML files. To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps: If you have already installed a YAML extension but are still encountering the error, make sure that the extension is up to date. If it is still not working,

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Split PDF Online Tool

What is Function of Split PDF tool Split PDF Online Tool is a handy utility that allows you to easily split PDF files into smaller documents. This tool is ideal for situations where you need to extract specific pages from a large PDF file, or when you need to share parts of a document with others. With Split PDF Online Tool, you can quickly and easily split PDF files by page range, bookmarks, or even by file size. This tool

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Select Multiple PDF file for Merge

Merging multiple PDF files into a single document can be a time-consuming task, especially if you have a large number of files to merge. Luckily, there are several tools available that can make this process easier and more efficient. One of the key features to look for when choosing a PDF merger tool is the ability to select multiple PDF files for merge at once. This means you can quickly and easily select all the files you need and merge

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How to Add or Change App icons in Flutter | Android & iOS | Flutter Launcher Icon Change 

Step 1 go to this website – Step 2 Upload the app icon and Generate Step 3 go to your flutter project and find this path C:\Users\dharm\AndroidStudioProjects\my_hospital_now\android\app\src\main Step 4 Replace your app icon Generate the Download file and lock this image Step 5 go to your flutter project and find this iso path C:\Users\dharm\AndroidStudioProjects\my_hospital_now\ios\Runner Step 5 app icon Generate the Download file Assets.xcassets Replace here and lock this image Step 5: Run again your flutter project Refrences Video Here:-

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How to upload the Flutter app to the play store

Generate an APK or App Bundle for your app: You can generate an APK or App Bundle using the following command in the terminal: step 1: Run in terminal step 2: Run in terminal step 3: run this command step 4: Open your project in Android Studio. and wait for a while it will reload and you can see the top right corner again wait some time it will be reloaded step 5: After that go to the build section on the

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Artisan migrate could not find driver

The “Artisan migrate could not find driver” error message typically occurs when running migrations using Laravel’s Artisan command-line interface, and it indicates that Laravel is unable to find the database driver specified in the application’s configuration. To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the database driver specified in your Laravel application’s configuration file matches the database driver installed on your system. For example, if you are using MySQL as your database and have not yet installed the MySQL

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