Latest Docker Container Attack Highlights Remote Networking Flaws

Source:-containerjournal A security flaw that provides a backdoor through which Docker containers can be compromised via unsecured remote connections may require IT teams to revisit their approach to DevSecOps. At the core of the issue is a cryptomining worm discovered by Cado Security, which steals credentials from Amazon Web Services (AWS) that have been stored on a local PC. Once those credentials have been stolen, a team of cybercriminals dubbed TeamTNT scans the internet for misconfigured Docker containers to exploit

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Nutanix Brings HCI Platform to AWS Nutanix today announced that Nutanix Clusters are now available on bare-metal instances of the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Manoj Agarwal, senior vice president of engineering for Nutanix, said Nutanix Clusters on AWS will provide IT organizations with access to hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) capabilities based on Nutanix virtual machine that AWS doesnā€™t provide today on a public cloud. IT organizations that already have Nutanix clusters deployed in on-premises IT environment will not

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DevOps is transforming database development in the healthcare sector As IT teams across the country struggle with smaller budgets and staffing shortages, every industry has seen a rising demand for standardized process and automation to quickly address pressing needs, according to Redgate. DevOps healthcare Increasing need for DevOps in healthcareIn the healthcare sector, the pandemic has forced IT to work under pressure to quickly develop and deliver effective telehealth services, while also facilitating access to electronic health records and other sensitive patient data to ensure these all run

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Algorithmia Looks to Meld MLOps and DevOps

Source:-devops Algorithmia, in the latest update to the enterprise edition of its namesake machine learning operations (MLOps) platform, is enabling software development lifecycle practices to be applied to the building of algorithms by making it possible to debug them using desktop tools that are widely employed. The enterprise edition of Algorithmia will enable users to write and run local tests for algorithms as shared local data files. Desktop developer tools that can now integrate with that process include PyCharm, Jupyter

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DevOps Unbound: Exploring Acceleration and Automation, Setting DevOps Free We are launching a new video series Thursday, Aug. 6, called DevOps Unbound. DevOps Unbound will focus on DevOps, automation, CI/CD and testing, featuring leaders in these areas as we explore the challenges and issues software delivery and IT teams face every day. How do we go faster, smarter with better quality? DevOps Unbound! The series will premier on our streaming network and should start around 10:40 a.m. Eastern tomorrow, August 6th. It will be available on Linkedin

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MuseDev Offers DevOps-Optimized Security Code Analyzer MuseDev today announced it has made available on GitHub under an early access program a code analysis tool dubbed Muse that is designed to surface cybersecurity issues as pull requests are made from the repository. Company CEO Stephen Magill said rather than waiting to discover cybersecurity issues after an application is deployed, Muse makes it easier for IT teams to consistently employ best DevSecOps practices. Thereā€™s general agreement DevOps teams should assume more responsibility for application security as part

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The Linux Foundation Adds Free Jenkins Training Course The Linux Foundation, in collaboration with the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), today launched a free introductory course to the open source Jenkins continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform as part of what it plans will become a series of free and paid online DevOps tools courses. Clyde Seepersad, general manager of training at the Linux Foundation, said that while the foundation already provides access to some higher-level conceptual DevOps courses, the launch of the CDF last year provides a knowledge

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A Terraform Registry tutorial to build and share modules Before IT teams share Terraform modules through the tool’s public registry, they must familiarize themselves with these prerequisites and technical steps. Software development encourages code reuse through reusable artifacts, such as libraries, packages and modules. Most programming languages enable developers to package and publish these reusable components and make them available on a registry or feed. For example, Python has Python Package Index and PowerShell has PowerShell Gallery. For Terraform users, the Terraform Registry enables the distribution of Terraform

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LogicMonitor Releases IT Downtime Detection and Mitigation Study Although 99.999% availability may be ITā€™s ambition, itā€™s far from reality. In March 2019, Googleā€™s Gmail experienced a 4.5-hour global outage. In the same month, Facebook suffered a 14-hour outage, its most massive outage to date, crippling app-accessibility worldwide. Downtime and low availability will likely occur to all systems eventually, especially when introducing code changes. When outages occur, itā€™s truly the detection systems and smart mitigation processes that separate quick rebounds from long recoveries. LogicMonitor has released its IT

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Linode Launches Managed Kubernetes Service Linode today made generally available Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE), a managed instance of Kubernetes clusters that includes access to a control plane at no additional cost. Howie Ross, director of engineering for Linode, says the managed service provider is committed to providing IT teams with a level of service for Kubernetes clusters that is not available at a comparable cost on rival cloud platforms. Linode currently gives customers access to versions 1.17, 1.16, and 1.15 of Kubernetes running in

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Work-from-home mandates may be DevOps’ shining moment DevOps — which syncs, organizes and automates the pace of software releases — ‘is by default built for remote operations’ such as that required for the COVID-19 crisis. However, DevOps skills have been hard to find. What effect is the tragic COVID-19 crisis — mandating the current scattering of employees across a corporate diaspora of home-bound workplaces, working from 10,000 home locations instead of one or two — having on collaboration and coordination for information technology endeavors? In recent

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One Identity Allies With HashiCorp to Advance DevSecOps One Identity, a provider of identity management software, has aligned with HashiCorp to make it easier for DevOps teams to implement best DevSecOps practices. Tyler Reese, a senior product manager for One Identity, said via a plugin for HashiCorp Vault developers can now securely manage, monitor, record and audit privileged and administrative access to their vaulted tokens, passwords, certificates, application programming interface (API) keys and other secrets residing in the Safeguard privileged access management (PAM) platform from One Identity.

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DevOps Trends for 2020 and Beyond Since the ideation of DevOps, technologists have made great strides to benefit from it. Despite advancements and the success that teams have seen within pockets, many of its core challenges are still prevalent: scaling across the enterprise due to manual processes, poor visibility between dev and ops teams, and tool sprawl that hurts agility. Luckily, thereā€™s light at the end of the tunnel for organizations hoping to get the most from DevOps. In order to succeed in DevOps and

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NetApp Architects Application-Integrated Data Management for Kubernetes with Project Astra NetApp introduces vision for enterprise-class data services for stateful, cloud-native applications with any Kubernetes distribution on any cloud NetApp, the leader in cloud data services, introduced Project Astra, a vision for a software-defined platform that is currently in development with the Kubernetes community. Project Astra will deliver the industryā€™s most robust, easy-to-consume, enterprise-class storage and data services platform for Kubernetes that enables both application and data portability for stateful applications. Marketing Technology News: IDC Publishes Future of Customers and

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Stackery Adds CI/CD Features to Serverless Cloud Platform Serverless cloud application development and deployment vendor Stackery is adding new DevOps and security features to help accelerate serverless adoption and usage. Building applications in the cloud isn’t just about virtual machines and containers ā€” it’s also about enabling serverless models of application workflows. On April 14, Stackery announced a major update to its namesake serverless cloud platform that addresses development, deployment and security challenges its customers are facing. Serverless is a different model for cloud in that it

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A comprehensive test automation guide for IT teams This one-stop test automation guide walks through the benefits and challenges, how to craft an automated testing strategy and how to compare tools. Testing is a critical part of the software development process, allowing developers to validate software functionality, measure performance and identify flaws to remediate. But as software projects become more complex, and project development cycles accelerate, traditional manual quality assurance (QA) testing may not be fast or complete enough to meet testing objectives within acceptable timeframes. As

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BigPanda Provides Free 90-Day Access to IT Ops Platform BigPanda, a provider of an IT ops platform infused with machine learning algorithms, this week announced it willĀ make available for freeĀ for 90 days an instance of its software available to IT professionals working from home to help combat theĀ COVID-19 pandemic. Mohan Kompella, vice president of product marketing for BigPanda, said the IT Ops From Home program is intended to make it easier for IT teams toĀ manage IT operationsĀ using a platform that was designed from the ground up to remotely

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Mainframes, DevOps, and Ansible Even while youā€™re working from home, work has to continue. Organizations have to stay in business, software needs to be updated to suit the new uses that its users would like it to be able to do. And end users like regular updates with new features that make their life easier. And, obviously, the best platform to do any of this on is the mainframe. That rock-solid platform that has, a bit like Dr Who, been transmogrifying itself over

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Filling the Skills Gap for Effective DevSecOps With the rise of DevSecOps comes a whole new need for training and upskilling. It isnā€™t a secret that the cybersecurity skills gap will only continue to grow. The security skills gap combined with the rise of DevSecOps has introduced hidden challenges organizations must address. The Rise of DevSecOps While DevOps accelerates agility and scalability of organizations, it may also expand risks of threatsā€”particularly if security is an afterthought in an organizationā€™s cloud strategy. In a recent survey, 52%

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Rancher Labs Simplifies Kubernetes Lifecycle Management Rancher Labs this week releasedĀ an update to its distribution of KubernetesĀ that makes it easier to upgrade without any downtime in addition to making it easier to remotely access. Company CEO Sheng Liang says that as organizations increasingly operationalize Kubernetes there is now a lot more focus on lifecycle management and scalability. Version 2.4 of Rancher provides access to a set of tools that makes it easier for IT teams to manage a fleet of Kubernetes clusters event when network

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