Top 8 best methods to protecting your windows os from virus, maleware and hacking

The methods from which we can protect our window os from virus , malware and haking are :– 1. Update Windows 10 and software  Most important step you can take to keep your device and data safe and secure is to maintain Windows 10 and programs always updated. Software companies, such as Microsoft, are continuously rolling out updates to patch potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. 2.Use strong authentication :-  Password-cracking technology is quite advanced, and stronger passwords spawn

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Array’s functions in PHP

Some important array functions in php are mentioned below :- array() :- It Creates an array array_keys() :- It returns an array that contains all the keys in the input array. count() :- The count() function is used to count the elements of an array or the properties of an object. print_r() :-The print_r() function is used to print human-readable information about a variable or array.

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How to change Phpmyadmin MySQL Root Password with XAMPP on Localhost on Ubuntu.

At First we have to find that which root user password we want change because there are 3 root user password are in phpMyAdmin. To find, first fill root on username and leave blank password and click on Go, it will show which user you are trying to login. In my case i’m logging in root@localhost so i’ll change that password after logging in phpmyadmin. So, login in your phpmyadmin. After login you’ll see User Accounts Section on the top.

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Setup Virtual Hosts with Apache Web Server on Linux

First thing you need to do is to install apache in your machine. Apache Installation Apache gives its functionality and the components to individual units which can be customized and configured independently. The basic unit that describes a site or a domain is called a virtual host. This allows the administrator to use one server to host multiple domains or sites with a single interface or IP address by using a mechanism. Create the Directory Structure A directory structure shall

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Artifactory Excercise -Hemanth

What are the Top maven goals we have? What are the Ports being used in Artifactory and why? Create a table and describe it. External Network Port 80818082 ( for Web Access ) Internal Network Ports (default) 8081 for Artifactory8040 and 8045 for Access8048 and 9092 for the Replicator8070 for Web8086 for Metadata8082, 8046, 8047, 8049, and 8091 for the Router8061, and 8062 for Events Find out which maven goal help you to upload a artifact? Find out which gradle

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Artifactory Excercise & Assignment – 1

Step 1 – Register a account using this url. Avoid if you already have it. Step 2 – Verify your account and Login using this url Step 3 – Write a single post using this url of following questions. Title of the post should be your choice What are the Top maven goals we have? What are the Ports being used in Artifactory and why? Create a table and describe it. Find out which maven goal help you to upload

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What Is DISM? How to check and restore your windows image health.

DISM, whose full name is the Deployment Image Service and Management, is a built-in tool of Windows, first introduced in Windows 7 and Windows Server R2. It can perform servicing tasks on a Windows installation image, on an online or offline image within a folder, or on WIM files. The DISM tool can be available from the Command Line or the Windows PowerShell. DISM tool can be used to update files and fix problems when a Windows image becomes unserviceable. However,

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What are Linux Users, Groups and Permissions

If you are new to Linux/Unix, then the concept of permissions may be confusing. This guide provides you with an explanation of what permissions are, how they work, and how to manage them. A number of examples are provided to illustrate how to set and change permissions for both users and groups. What are Linux User and Group Permissions? Linux/Unix operating systems have the ability to multitask in a manner similar to other operating systems. However, Linux’s major difference from

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Message queue

What is Message queue? A message queue is a form of serial service-to-service communication used in server-less and micro-services architectures. Messages are stored on the queue until they are processed and deleted. Messaging Queue is a combination of 2 words — Message & Queue : Message is the data to be sent from producer to consume Queue contains sequence of messages, sent between applications, awaiting their turn to be processed Messages placed onto queue are stored until consumers retrieve them. What is message

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ARRAY :- Array is a variable, which can hold more than one value OR diffrent types of data types at a time in a single variable. ex- $data= array( “bikash”, 100,500,”rahul”); There are three types of array in PHP Indexed array : array with a numeric keys. Associative arrays : Arrays with named keys Multidimensional arrays : Arrays containing one or more arrays NUMERIC array:- Numeric Array is a type of array with numeric indices to access its values. However, they can store

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Deploy a Laravel project to ubuntu server using git

Steps to create project in local machine Step :1 Create a folder anywhere in your local computer with any name (Mine is workspace) Step:2 Make sure git and gitbash is installed in your local machine if not download it from here Step:3 Login into your GitHub account and create a repository Step 4: Clone the repository into your local machine get inside your repository Copy the URL under HTTPS area There are many more ways to clone a repo but

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Laravel : Regex Validation For Password

Minimum eight characters, at least one letter and one number: Minimum eight characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character: Minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number: Minimum eight characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character: Minimum eight and maximum 10 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character:

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Permissions required to make a Laravel project up and running in ubuntu (Linux)

Before moving further, hope you have already installed xampp and composer in your machine.if not follow the below blog to do so. First permission: As you know the first thing our browser needs to run a Laravel project is, the index file which is located in the public folder so we need to make it read and writable so that our browser can access it and if required can modify it. Run the below command to grant access to the

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List of Top 5 Message queue software in 2021

1. Amazon SQS AWS practically rules the cloud-computing world, so it’s not surprising to see one of its asynchronous pub/sub MQ options listed here. Some of the advantages that you get FROM AWS High availability.. One-time delivery. MQ as a service, which can keep prices low when you use it infrequently. Unlimited queues. AWS IAM security authentication. FIFO 2.RabbitMQ  After a RabbitMQ instance has been created it is possible to send a message across languages, platforms, and OS. This way of handling

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Install a Laravel project inside htdocs folder in ubuntu

I was moving a Laravel project to a ubuntu virtual machine.Steps that I followed: 1. Installed Xampp 2. Another thing which is required is Composer 3. Now the thing is when we try to install Laravel project inside our htdocs folder it through an error 4. To resolve this error first create a folder inside your htdocs. 5 grant read and write permissions to this folder by running this commands 6. You may get another error while installing is (“mbstring”

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Sivaiah- post- test

Docker quiz K8 quiz Commands cf auth admin “$CF_ADMIN_PASSWORD” cf enable-feature-flag diego_docker cf create-org test-org cf create-space -o test-org test-space cf target -o test-org -s test-space cf push test-node-app -p ./tests/smoke/assets/test-node-app cf push APP-NAMEcf apps cf version cf org-quotas cf orgs cf org cf org-user cf spaces kapp deploy -a cf -f ./cf-for-k8s-rendered.yml -y cf api –skip-ssl-validation

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