Kubernetes Assignment for Administrator

– Top 10 k8 API Resources which is being by Kubernetes Admin Service ServiceAccount Role ClusterRoles RoleBinding ClusterRoleBinding Deployments Pods ReplicaSets Secrets – Top 10 kubectl commands to troubleshoot Kubernetes kubectl get events/pods/svc kubectl describe pod/service/deployment kubectl explain pod kubectl logs kubectl attach pod kubectl exec -it pod kubectl debug – Top 15 commands which is being used by Kubernetes Administrator – kubectl commands kubectl describe pod/service/deployment kubectl get nodes kubectl delete node/pod/service kubectl scale deployment kubectl create -f file.yaml

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What is Kubernetes and its feature

Kubernetes is a open source tool that groups the containers into logical units to make up as application, which helps to manage the containers to achieve resource isolation, resource utilization, loosely/tightly coupled distributed workloads, distributions portability, CI & CD, high availability, scalability in lesser than few seconds Features Self-healing: without user intervention restarts the pods which is failed Networking: Pods can communicate within the node or outside the node also, each node/pod will have ip address Load balancing: Applications can

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List out 10 Feature of Docker-compose

docker-compose pull Performs the docker pull for all the services with respective images mentioned docker-compose create Executes the docker create for all the service (create container for all the service) docker-compose run Executes the docker create for all the service (run container for all the services) docker-compose up It combines build, create, run commands in one shot docker-compose stop Stops all the containers of services docker-compose rm Removes the stopped containers docker-compose down It combines stop and rm, executes for

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Differences between CMD and ENTRYPOINT with example.

CMD ENTRYPOINT Can be overridden Cannot be overridden Cannot append additional params Can be appended Command to run when container starts or arg to ENTRYPOINT if specified Always first command to run when container starts Multiple times can be added in the dockerfile but the last line will override the previous Same behavior as CMD Treated as additional param when it is used along with ENTRYPOINT Always the main command

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What is diff between docker pause/unpause and stop/kill?

Pause/Unpause Pause: when the running container is paused “SIGSTOP”is processed inside the container and become paused state. (Freeze CGroup)Unpause: Unpause execute “SIGCONT” inside the container to restore the container process (UnFreeze CGroup) Stop/Kill Stop: Stop execute “SIGTERM” inside the container and stop the process and the container and once grace period exceeded still stopping state then “SIGKILL” will executed (Gracefully stops) Kill: Kill execute “SIGKILL” inside the container and stops immediately or specified –signal will be executed (Terminates abruptly)

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What is Docker and Container? Details explanation with Image!

What is Docker? It is the tool and platform which helps to manage the containers, developed in Golang. What is Container? It is copy of image or isolated runtime environment for App, which has its own Filesystem, PID, user, network on top of the OS Benefit of Docker? Saves cost, time in spawn/setting up environment Provides the isolated environment with out creating guest OS with help of Docker engine Docker registry has more than 100K images readily available Improves the

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