List out 10 Feature of Docker-compose

docker-compose pull

Performs the docker pull for all the services with respective images mentioned

docker-compose create

Executes the docker create for all the service (create container for all the service)

docker-compose run

Executes the docker create for all the service (run container for all the services)

docker-compose up

It combines build, create, run commands in one shot

docker-compose stop

Stops all the containers of services

docker-compose rm

Removes the stopped containers

docker-compose down

It combines stop and rm, executes for all the service

docker-compose ps

List containers with respect to docker-compose.yaml availability in the directory

docker-compose pull

Pull images of all the services

docker-compose push

Push images of all the services


  • All docker-compose container or image related commands are context with docker-compose.yaml, without yaml it won’t work