What is Kubernetes and its feature?

  • Kubernetes is an open source tool to manage containerized applications, it was initially developed by Google.
  • Kubernetes solves the problem of managing containers to automatically scale-up/ scale-down when the nodes having the container fails, so it will deliver the required performance with the desired number of services are always running.
  • Kubernetes also provides the load balancing technique in simple/ round-robin fashion though the same container is running in same node.
  • Kubernetes guarantee the number of pods (containers/services) always running at any cost.
  • Kubernetes provides auto-scaling feature as per the load.
  • It is self-healing and has the ability to recover from disaster.
  • It does automatic rollbacks when the new deployment fails.
  • the deployments can be done very fast
  • It provides multi master technique for High availability.
  • Simple to setup and easy to trouble shoot.