How can we become a Splunk Phantom Certified Admin?

What is Splunk Phantom Admin? If you work on a security team, you probably deal with complex security infrastructure and a range of technologies from multiple vendors. Youā€™re likely exposed to unquantified risk stemming from a constantly expanding attack surface and escalating volumes of threats. And like everyone else, you have limited resources to defend your entities. Thereā€™s is never enough budget or people. Fortunately, there is a better way. Force multiply your efforts with a Splunk phantom security orchestration,

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Get up to speed on Azure’s serverless functionality With so many serverless tools on the market, it can be difficult to pick the right one. Review some of the features of Azure serverless options to help you choose. Serverless computing is attractive because it offers flexibility and scalability — without any server management. It also follows a consumption-based pricing model so enterprises only pay for what they use. The major cloud providers have released a range of tools to meet the demand. While Microsoft wasn’t first on

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How to get the most out of AWS re:Invent 2019 Get the lowdown on this year’s re:Invent before you go. With tips on travel logistics, session reservations and social outings, you’ll be ready to maximize your time in Las Vegas. AWS re:Invent will once again be the biggest cloud conference of the year. There’s plenty to do and learn about at the show, but attendees can easily get overwhelmed. The conference can be a logistical nightmare for those who don’t do their homework. More than 50,000 people attendedĀ last year’s

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How Insurance Companies Can Prepare For Open Enrollment 2019 With Kubernetes Open enrollment marks the longest, most grueling three months for anyone working in the health care insurance industry. During this peak period, consumers are searching for the gold-star plan that provides the best coverage at an affordable cost. This makes competition spike among the plethora of health insurance companies in the United States, whether independent insurers managing small regions or as part of the Health Insurance Marketplace offering coverage in all 50 states, such as Humana and Cigna Health.

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Top 10 Ways To Achieve Agile Security

Source:-Ā Between 2017 and 2021, worldwide spending on cybersecurity will top $1 trillion, according to Cybersecurity Ventures. From new threat vectors within networks to the barrage of cyberattacks due to the move to the cloud, CIOs and CISOs have more to consider around cybersecurity than ever before. Cloud has brought benefits such as agility, scalability, and cost savings to business. Unfortunately, more often than not, security can’t keep up. Many businesses have witnessed the benefits of cloud firsthand. To enable

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