AppDynamics interviews container expert Liz Rice

Source – I was delighted to spend time with container guru Liz Rice recently, ahead of the presentation Liz will deliver at AppD Summit Europe. There are over 460K Dockerized applications and more than 5 billion containers have been pulled so far. Why do you think containers as a concept have caught on so quickly? Containerization-related technologies existed before Docker arrived on the scene, but Docker made it easy to use at the command line. This opened the advantages

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Continuous deployment using Jenkins

Source – When I joined at Thumbtack, back in late 2015, we had continuous delivery infrastructure for monolith builds. As more engineers joined, we noticed that a significant amount of time went to deploying the latest build. Moreover, there was a trend of having bigger deploys (so call train deploys) and rollbacks tend to be harder. It was a clear indicator we needed to invest into the deployment pipeline. Continuous delivery At Thumbtack, we use Gerrit for code review.

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4 Ways to Improve Your Continuous Delivery

Source:- Apps used to be so large that they came on CDs. Today, software updates are small enough to download in the background of our smartphones. As our expectations for technology have increased, engineers have kept pace by continuously delivering smaller enhancements and feature upgrades to the end user. In a recent Atlassian survey, 80% of respondents used agile processes to build products faster and 65% of respondents relied on continuous delivery shorten their release cycles. Continuous delivery requires teams

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Why DevOps And The Cloud Are A Match Made In Heaven

Source:- DevOps and the cloud. They’re an obvious match, but what elements of the cloud, and of DevOps, make the match so obvious? A Look at DevOps First, a very quick historical recap. DevOps grew out of the Agile movement, which was largely focused on applying streamlined (i.e. very agile) business-organisation practices to software development. DevOps extended Agile processes and philosophy to IT, combining development and operations into a single, unified set of practices. DevOps eliminates silos (walled-off and

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Resources for DevOps Pros to Learn About Security

Source:- These days, security should be part of everyone’s job. This is especially true for DevOps teams, which are responsible for developing, delivering, and maintaining critical applications for many organizations, and must therefore prioritize security as part of their role. But the world of security can seem like a bit of a mystery until you’ve been exposed to it. If you or someone on your team is looking to learn more about what it takes to run a secure

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Does Your DevOps Department Need More Attention? [Infographic]

Souce:- There are some big red flags that signify your DevOps department needs an overhaul. Your deployment process seems to take forever. It only work from a few developers’ computers. It’s different for each server you deploy to. Sound familiar? Luckily the warning signs of a DevOps department in need of help are pretty easy to recognize. Read on to learn how to identify if and when your infrastructure team needs more attention—plus a few suggestions to implement those

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Change is the Focus: QA in the DevOps Era

Source:- There is a popular business adage that states, “Fast, Good, Cheap: pick any two”. But what if you want it all?  I definitely want to ensure good quality, in little time and at the lowest cost. Therein lies the challenge. Throughout the product development lifecycle, we face bottlenecks that often prevent us from having it all. Today, Agile and DevOps introduce timeboxed development and continuous integration, which means shorter development cycles and more frequent releases. This results in

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5 reasons developers love containers

Source:- Linux containers have been around for almost a decade, but it was only with the release of Docker four years ago that large numbers of developers began to adopt the technology. Now it seems that containers are everywhere and their popularity continues to rise. Containers have become such an important part of the IT landscape that server virtualization giants like VMware and Microsoft have had to go out of their way to accommodate them. VMware now offers a

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Why we always start with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

Source:- Ten years ago, researchers and cutting-edge developers had to argue that software testing was part of the process of writing software, not a nice to have depending on the budget. Nowadays, it is almost always accepted that shipping an application (or a feature) is an inherent bundle including code, tests and documentation. Open Source software have been written that way for decades and thanks to GitHub, which generalized Open Source good practices, things got a lot better. In

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Totally automatic: Improve DevOps and security in three key steps

Source:- Concerned about DevOps security? Learn three key steps to embedding security into the software development process, including how to improve automation. The goal of DevOps is to engage the development and operations teams simultaneously throughout the software development lifecycle. That means both during the code’s initial development and whenever developers modify or update it. No matter what the stage, it’s essential to maintain security and compliance by building them in at the outset. Here’s the good news: There’s

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How to apply DevOps practices to legacy IT

Source:- The one constant in legacy systems is that they can’t just be switched off. We find out how Ticketmaster has adapted its legacy IT to DevOps When Ticketmaster was established 41 years ago, its core software was written on a Vax minicomputer. Over time, its IT estate became more complex. The ticketing company acquired other businesses, taking on their IT, and moved with the times onto the web. The Vax still runs bits of Ticketmaster, albeit in the

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Is Continuous Deployment right for your business?

Source:- It’s easy for technologists to target a challenging architecture or development practice, after all, they love solving technical challenges. So as automation has become a key capability of software development, and organizations have begun to adoptDevOps practices many development teams are striving for the “holy grail” of continuous deployment. Some product owners also love the notion of continuous deployment. Ask for a feature today, build tomorrow and deploy the same day. Seems too good to be true. My

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9 common mistakes when implementing DevOps

Source:- DevOps can be a godsend, but if used improperly, DevOps can also tank your project. Let’s look at nine common mistakes made when implementing DevOps. 1. Building a DevOps department The point of DevOps isn’t to create a new department strictly for DevOps, but instead to create a new collaborative model that unites existing departments. 2. Failing to streamline software Over-complicated software systems that have too much sprawl require siloed management and make systems over complicated for users. If

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The first-aid DevOps toolkit: What does it contain?

Source:- DevOps unchained We set out to define DevOps but we learned that one cannot and should not put a label on this ever-changing movement. Greg Bledsoe, managing consultant at Accenture claims that his own understanding of DevOps has evolved considerably while Jason Bloomberg, the president of Intellyx, believes that at the core of this movement lies empathy. Helen Beal, head of DevOps at Ranger4 says that DevOps is not just one person’s job but there are some gaps that

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Organizations put the Scrum back into DevOps

Source:- and the DevOps Institute are teaming up on ScrumOps, a new approach to software delivery. ScrumOps is designed to transform IT organizations into the next-generation, agile era of working by bringing Scrum and DevOps together. According to the organizations, while some believe DevOps and Scrum don’t work well together, ScrumOps can be applied to any IT organization. It aims to provide a way for teams to continuously delivery secure and working software while measuring success. “I believe

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Eight best practices for hiring DevOps engineers

Source:- Technavio, a market research firm, predicts that the worldwide DevOps market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 19 percent through 2020. Companies in financial services, healthcare, manufacturing and services are all adopting DevOps methodologies to speed new applications to market, as is the public sector. What is attracting firms to DevOps? The word itself, which originated as a combined expression of ‘software DEVelopment’ and ‘information technology OPerationS’, describes a methodology and supporting tools that invite

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How one company’s DevOps success got them the green light to hire 1000 developers

Source:- The business concept of doing more with less, which dominated enterprise IT for many years, is being turned on its head in a major way at one pharmaceutical company. The leadership at Express Scripts recently green-lighted the hiring of 1,000 new developers based on the success the company has had with one key tech trend: DevOps. The company got its start in the 1980s, relying heavily on mergers and acquisitions (M&A). And recently, the company began looking into

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DevOps success factors: Culture, APIs and security

Source:- As little as a decade ago, software was shipped in a CD-ROM to a storefront, purchased, and likely abandoned after the user’s initial installation. Today, code is shipped via the internet, meaning that continuous software updates are not only achievable, but expected, whether it’s for desktop, mobile, or browser-based applications. In an age where competitive advantage requires fast time to market, high service levels, and relentless experimentation, enterprises that cannot continuously deliver improvements risk losing in the marketplace.

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DevOps: Challenges and considerations

Source:- Every few years, a new buzzword appears on the IT canvas that sparks hype and excitement among businesses and technologists alike. DevOps is one such term that has continued to gain momentum and is highly-relevant in today’s digital transformation landscape. It’s also a term that’s quite misunderstood. Here are some thoughts that define this term, while also explaining its benefits and challenges. What is DevOps? Very simply put, DevOps embodies Development plus Operations within software development. Traditionally, these

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The Importance of APM for Developers

Source:- Software developers are the modern equivalent of medieval craftsman. In the old days, masters of the constructive arts – such as those who transformed trees into furniture – would take responsibility for the entire user experience. They did everything from design and configuration to implementation and delivery. If a chair leg broke or wobbled, the craftsman  would also be responsible for resolving the fix. Clearly, the ways of the old masters are not possible at scale. They’re more

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