Simplifying software: how Puppet aims to take the “soul-crushing tasks” out of IT With over 40,000 companies relying on the firm to change the way they use software, Puppet wants to end repetitive tasks, simplify workflow and bring higher levels of security and infrastructure configuration to organisations through taking advantage of modern tech. The enterprise has recently announced two new developments. The first being ‘Project Nebula’ and the second being its plan to update its focus on continuous compliance, continuous deployment and incident remediation. Puppet spoke to DevOpsOnline to discuss their latest ideas and

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What is Kubernetes? Definition Kubernetes is an open-source platform for container management and orchestration. Containers are self-contained software packages that allow programmers to package part or all of an application into a single object. Containers make it easier to employ continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI)/CD) and move applications between environments. Kubernetes helps engineers and administrators monitor, manage, and orchestrate these discrete packages within the larger environment. With Kubernetes, responding to failures, managing application configurations, and updating applications can all be automated. Originally built by engineers

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Amazon jumps on Kubernetes bandwagon

Source – Kubernetes is the most popular open-source container manager. It’s been officially supported on every cloud platform you’ve ever heard of… with one big exception: Amazon Web Service (AWS). Now, AWS has got on board the Kubernetes bandwagon as well by joining the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as a platinum member. With this move, all five of the largest cloud providers — AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Bluemix, and Alibaba Cloud — are CNCF members. Kubernetes has been validated as the DevOps tool for cloud native computing and

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Cloud native adoption means getting the DevOps tooling right

Source – There’s no debate over the fact that a cloud native architecture using DevOps tooling can work. Eliminating the wheel and spoke architecture where the massive monolith sits in the middle, and instead approaching software design by using DevOps tooling with a focus on serverless functions, stateless processes, isolated microservices and container based deployments has definitively been proven to work. But getting cloud native and DevOps tooling to work at scale isn’t easy, and the vast number of different pathways

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