DevOps in the cloud: Best practices and pitfalls for cloud deployment and development from Copado David Brooks, VP of Products at Copado, explains how companies can use DevOps for large-scale cloud deployments and how to avoid common cloud development mistakes. As cloud computing implementations grow in size and scope, successfully managing the deployment of and development process for those services becomes ever more challenging. And when companies attempt to use traditional software development practices such as DevOps with their cloud services, they often run into unique problems. To better understand how companies can use

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7 essential best practices to follow when adopting a DevOps model

Source- The benefits of DevOps have been talked about for some time now. But a recent report has shown how organizations are reaping the benefits after implementing DevOps. According to a recent survey sponsored by Google and Harvard Business Review Analytics Services, two-thirds of the respondents that have implemented DevOps have seen benefits that impact their bottom line. Seventy per cent have seen increased speed to market, 67 per cent have seen improved productivity, 67 per cent have seen increased customer relevance, 66

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Best practices for DevOps compliance and reusability

Source- Organizations really need to ask why they adopted DevOps in the first place and how they intend to push and present a DevOps model to the rest of the company. In order to scale to full maturity with a model-driven approach, organizations will need to heed these best practices for DevOps models. Governance and compliance Some companies look at governance and compliance as, “We need to check all these boxes.” Others see governance and compliance as, “We have

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DevOps at Scale: Best Practices in Use Today

Source – IT professionals in the field discuss some of the best practices that help to make DevOps initiatives successful. Achieving the theoretical benefits of DevOps in practice can be hard. Plus, while much DevOps focus is on mobile, web and internal apps, it is also being adopted in many larger scale and often electronics-based projects, involving complexity, volume and compliance. We asked some of the companies we’ve been working with about their DevOps experiences and they have three stand-out

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Source – DevOps is essentially a journey of Continuous Improvement Organizations that become better at delivering software are better equipped to compete and win in today’s economy. The maturity, speed and quality of your software releases have become a key differentiator and a competitive advantage for the business. Enterprises across the board are adopting DevOps to optimize their software delivery pipeline – allowing for greater speed and agility while mitigating the risk of failed releases. DevOps is essentially a journey of Continuous Improvement – and

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Accelerate DevOps by Automating Security

Source – DevOps teams are under enormous pressure to accelerate development cycles and improve quality assurance. We live in a world where IT consumerization is a fact of life and speed to market is not just an enormous competitive differentiator but an absolute necessity. This is why DevOps teams are embracing modern initiatives such as agile development, containers and microservices. Demands for speed and accuracy—along with the potential for cost savings—are also driving DevOps’ growing reliance on cloud services: DevOps

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Five ways to reduce technical debt, rework costs in Agile, DevOps

Source – Leaving some technical debt in the wake speeds software delivery, but the high interest on that debt can mean costly rework and loss of customer satisfaction. Software pros describe five ways to reduce technical debt and the problems it causes. Technical debt, also known as code debt, is a software programming phenomenon that happens when low-quality or defective code is released in software, or when defects in software are not discovered and fixed quickly. Most often, this occurs in

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Continuous Integration: 5 Best Practices, Best Tools, & Benefits

Source – In the DevOps world, we hear Continuous Integration, Continuous Testing, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Monitoring, Continuous Planning, and many more forms of ‘Continuous’. These are the key for improving DevOps maturity. Continuous improvement and integration is the culture required in DevOps for providing better services to customers. An organization might be the most mature Organization currently, but if it does not invest in continuous improvement, very soon competitors will overtake it in this race of DevOps and Digital –

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Best Practices To Manage Your Hybrid Cloud

Source – We live in a choice-driven society powered by technology. Whether it’s cutting the cable cord and moving to à la carte television or ditching the concept of ownership and opting to take part in the sharing economy, people want to pick and choose what works best for their individual needs instead of relying on a single provider or product. In the case of cloud computing, a plethora of options is available to IT network teams for how they

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How to approach cloud computing and cyber security in 2017

Source – The adoption of cloud computing has been on the up since as far back as 2008, when a survey conducted by the Pew Research Institute found that cloud services were used by nearly 69% of Americans. Since then, the industry has experienced hyper-growth and exceeded the already vast predictions of how big it would become. IDC predicts that the cloud computing market in 2017 will be worth $107 billion and, according to Gartner, by 2020 a corporate ‘no-cloud’

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Continuous Integration Best Practices

Source:- What are the best practices of Continuou Integration? Some of the best practices of Continuous Integration are: Maintain a code repository This is the basic step. Right from the code base to publish profiles to database scripts, everything is maintained in a Git repository. It is suggested that always ensure that everything is kept in the code repository. Automate the build A key step in the process of Continuous Integration is to automate a build by using MS Build

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DevOps Maturity Model report: trends and best practices in 2017

Source – DevOps has been a cultural force in the world of software and operations for 10 years. Like many grassroots movements, DevOps practices have been slowly but steadily gaining traction among operations and software teams in all sorts of industries. But where has 10 years of cultural change, infrastructure improvement, and tooling gotten us? To answer this question, we partnered up with xMatters, one of our strategic technology partners that integrates with our products to provide a collaboration layer for DevOps, to

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4 Ways to Improve Your Continuous Delivery

Source:- Apps used to be so large that they came on CDs. Today, software updates are small enough to download in the background of our smartphones. As our expectations for technology have increased, engineers have kept pace by continuously delivering smaller enhancements and feature upgrades to the end user. In a recent Atlassian survey, 80% of respondents used agile processes to build products faster and 65% of respondents relied on continuous delivery shorten their release cycles. Continuous delivery requires teams

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7 best practices for securing your cloud service

Source:- As enterprises move their applications and data to the cloud, executives increasingly face the task of balancing the benefits of productivity gains against significant concerns about compliance and security. Security in the cloud is not the same as security in the corporate data center. Different rules and thinking apply when securing an infrastructure over which one has no real physical control. When leveraging cloud services, enterprises need to evaluate several key factors, including: Data encryption capabilities for both

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IT operations best practices to boost team performance and morale

Source:- IT teams have to automate where possible to free up time, while encouraging individuality within the team. This article isn’t about DevOps or any fancy management paradigm — it’s about IT operations best practices that every organization can use to maximize team productivity. Managers and IT administrators alike can take these practical steps — there’s nothing fancy about documenting a patch procedure — to prevent common snags and foster long-term good morale. SMART targets One of the biggest

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Docker Reference Architecture: Docker Datacenter Best Practices and Design Considerations

Source:- Introduction Docker Datacenter (DDC) is the enterprise container platform from Docker to be used across the entire software supply chain. It is a fully-integrated solution for container-based application development, deployment, and management. With integrated end-to-end security, DDC enables application portability by abstracting your infrastructure so that applications can move seamlessly from development to production. What You Will Learn This reference architecture describes a standard, production-grade, Docker Datacenter deployment. It also details the components of DDC, how they work,

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SQL Server Database Continuous Integration (CI) Best Practices And How To Implement Them – Testing, Processing And Automation

Source:- Test databases should be processed with unit tests In many shops code is unit tested at the point of commit. For databases, I prefer running all unit tests at once and in sequence against a QA database, vs development, as part of a Test step, in my continuous integration workflow pipeline. Yes, issues would be caught later than at check-in, but continuous integration largely solves this with frequent iterations, including at a commit itself. So the difference between

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Best practices to scale agile across multiple IT teams and enterprise organizations

Best practices to scale agile across multiple IT teams and enterprise organizations Source:- The past few years have seen some very dramatic and eye-opening changes in software development. We have fully redefined what it means to be fast in product development and deployment, as well as the skills and tools required to be successful in the space. Take agile software development: Agile software development methods were introduced less than a decade ago, but their popularity has seen a steady

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