How Next-Gen WAF Empowers the DevOps Lifecycle Signal Sciences next-gen WAF can send and receive data to and from a wide range of security and DevOps tools via our API and integrations with various infrastructure and security tooling. The layer 7 telemetry we gather from inspecting and decisioning on over one trillion web requests monthly can inform every stage of the DevOps lifecycle.  The infographic below walks you through how our next-gen WAF enables software delivery and security teams to create and release more secure code

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DevOps Security Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Source:- DevOps is helping organizations develop software faster. DevOps is a software development approach that utilizes the Agile methodology to integrate and streamline the development and operations process. The result is a faster and more efficient development process.  The downside of DevOps is that the fast pace it promotes doesn’t cover security. The solution is to include security protocols and practices across the DevOps pipeline. If you’re interested in adopting the DevOps approach, read on to learn about the challenges

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Data Theorem Introduced SPA Security Service to Optimize Modern Web Application Security Data Theorem, Inc. a provider of modern application security, introduced a new SPA security service that delivers automated discovery and continuous dynamic runtime vulnerability inspection of modern web single-page applications (SPAs). Purpose-built for SPAs, the new service is differentiated in its runtime security analysis that supports both GraphQL and REST API services, the popular services for SPAs that dynamically deliver a faster and richer web user experience. With DevOps teams rapidly building web SPAs, security and IT teams using

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DevSecOps: How to conquer 3 big culture challenges

Source – Just about any DevOps shop will hit speed bumps on the path toward continuous learning and improvement. “Organizations are increasingly adopting DevOps environments in hopes of achieving transformative velocity and innovation,” says Elizabeth Lawler, VP of DevOps security at CyberArk. “But like any new business initiative, this comes with challenges – and in the case of DevOps, it’s often around culture and areas of responsibility.” Even issues that seem technical in nature are often rooted in people. Take security: It’s as

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How the new developer culture dictates development security

Source – The 24×7 digital economy is requiring many organizations to release apps and application updates on a near-continuous basis in order to keep up with increasing customer demand—or face being left in the dust by competitors. Developer teams have their hands full trying to deliver functional, feature-rich updates on time. In this hyper-competitive environment, security is often too easy to deprioritize when faced with the pressure to get an app out the door. The rising trend of breaches from

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DevSecOps: 3 ways to bring developers, security together

Source – Applications are the heart of the digital business, with code central to the infrastructure that powers it. In order to stay ahead of the digital curve, organizations must move fast and deploy code quickly, which unfortunately is often at odds with stability and security. With this in mind, where and how can security fit into the DevOps toolchain? And, in doing so, how can we create a path for successfully deterring threats? As DevOps continues along its path

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AppSec at the speed of DevOps in the age of open source

Source – “Through the community engagement, we all win” In the world of DevOps, traditional application security doesn’t cut it anymore, and relying on perimeter defenses is a reactionary measure… assuming you control the perimeter. The unprecedented use of open source, speed of continuous integration and continuous delivery, containerization, and move to the cloud all mean that teams need a new approach to application security. DevOps teams cannot cede speed and agility for the sake of security. JAXenter editor Gabriela

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Application security needs to shift left

Source – As teams are pressured to release software more rapidly, more and more aspects of software development are being forced to “shift left,” moving up earlier in the development lifecycle. Because of the speed in which code is updated and delivered, security can no longer be thought of as an afterthought, said Rani Osnat, VP of product marketing at Aqua Security, a company that specializes in container security. “That’s why we profess to shift left security and basically embed

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Wallarm Launches Framework for Automatic Security Testing

Source – Cybersecurity startup Wallarm announced the launch of its Framework for Automatic Security Testing (FAST) technology on April 26, providing organizations with a new approach to scan applications for potential security risks. The FAST product enables automated security test generation that can be used to look for both known and unknown vulnerabilities in running code. With FAST, Wallarm claims that is can also find anomalies in application responses that could potentially lead to risk as well. “FAST is not

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Security in DevOps Is Lagging Despite Advantages and Opportunities

Source – Synopsys Inc. has released new data that highlights the opportunities and challenges of DevSecOps, an emerging paradigm in which DevOps teams incorporate application security into their continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows. The 451 Research report commissioned by Synopsys, DevSecOps Realities and Opportunities, analyses survey results from 350 enterprise decision-makers at large enterprises across a variety of industries. The study found that only half of CI/CD workflows include application security testing elements despite respondents citing awareness

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A complete beginner’s guide to blending DevOps and security

Source – DevOps can be daunting enough for those brand-new to it. And it becomes even trickier when you begin to add security into the mix. If you want to build out your DevOps and security programs in order to improve your application security initiatives, vulnerability testing and verification have to be baked into your day-to-day processes. The DevOps/DevSecOps approach allows for security to be introduced earlier in the software development lifecycle. Instead of performing security checks once the code is

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Democracy & DevOps: What Is the Proper Role for Security?

Source – Security experts need a front-row seat in the application development process but not at the expense of the business. With the advent of the cloud and DevOps, the job of implementing security has been dispersed more widely across IT. This has led to significant gains in speed and agility, but it has also created unacceptable risk for the business. For security, the pendulum has swung too far toward democracy. We need to pull it back. It’s easy to

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Shortcomings of DevOps automation and security bug detection

Source – Eariler this year we spoke with Jim Manco of Manicode security. It was immediately prior to Oracle OpenWorld 2017, in which Manico was delivering a JavaOne session on Java SE 9 security. There are plenty of new tools and technologies in the latest version of the JDK to help minimize the number of Java security bugs that developers might encounter. Of course, it’s not good enough just having technologies like JEP-273 (DRBG-Based SecureRandom Implementations), JEP-290 (Filtering of Incoming Serialization Data), and

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SecDevOps: Putting Security at the Heart of DevOps

Source – Agility has become an unavoidable necessity in a fast-moving technology environment, but achieving it can be a challenge for organizations and their development teams. The DevOps philosophy provides a road map; following it is not always as easy. Even more crucial than the need to transform the development process is the need to protect against ever more sophisticated threats and attacks. But some organizations are finding that agility and security can go hand in hand. SecDevOps is an

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The Myth of Mutual Exclusivity: Making the DevOps Process More Agile Without Compromising Security

Source – The marketplace is demanding agility, but many enterprises perceive the need for agility as an ongoing security risk. If applications are constantly evolving, they assume, the process will constantly open up new avenues for attackers to exploit. This worry has given rise to a widespread misconception that security or agility is a binary choice. But a growing number of organizations are challenging this stereotype and actively working to integrate security into the DevOps process. These proactive players in

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Secure DevOps lengthens IT ops to-do list

Source – Secure DevOps is a recent trend that has primarily involved collaboration between application developers and security experts so far — the IT ops role in the new collaboration between app developers and security pros hasn’t been fleshed out yet. But as developers and security professionals “shift security left” in the app delivery process, IT ops will need to respond accordingly, and preferably proactively. IT pros must collaborate with the security team as well as application developers. Following high-profile

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How to Build a Better DevOps Model

Source – Establishing a DevOps strategy and putting it into motion can prove extremely challenging. Success depends on factors such as technology, processes and culture. The complexities of digital business aren’t lost on anyone, but achieving the level of coordination and orchestration required to navigate today’s challenges can be overwhelming. “The ability to introduce new business services, new capabilities and new functions—and push them out to customers and others quickly and effectively—is dependent on the IT and business sides of

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The future of AppSec: Stop fighting the last war

Source – It’s a cornerstone of military doctrine: when you focus too much on the last battle you faced, you miss signs of the new battleground taking shape. The principle holds as true for cybersecurity as it does for cavalries and tanks. The surest way to put your organization at risk is to keep your defense strategy rooted in the past – especially it wasn’t all that effective in the first place. If tactics like slow gatekeeping controls haven’t been

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The top three approaches for improving cloud migration and security

Source – For many enterprises, migrating towards a cloud delivered approach for IT systems is an attractive proposition. Cost efficiency and business agility are big drivers for CIOs to make the move.  Most modern companies have either started migrating toward a public cloud or they are in the early planning and analysis phases of doing so. At the same time, making the jump from on-site infrastructure to cloud-hosted platforms is not free of challenges such as, regulations, data governance, billing

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Are DevOps and Application Security Compatible?

Source – DevOps is the word of the year. The software industry is on fire with the DevOps craze and more and more companies are looking for DevOps skills. DevOps practices are the key to delivering value quickly, scaling effectively, and enabling a fast feedback cycle of important information. They allow the true agility in software development that companies need to be successful. Good application security practices help to prevent the misuse of software for nefarious means. It aims to protect

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