What is DevOps and compare with SRE and DevSecOps?

What is DevOps in simple terms? DevOps is a set of practical methods that shorten the time from submission to deployment of system changes to the production environment under the premise of ensuring high quality. DevOps is a combination of two functions that are typically treated separately: development and operations. That definition of DevOps is the Standardized development methodology, clear communication, and documented processes supported by a standards-based, proven middleware platform to improve application development and management cycles, bring agility,

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What is DevOps in simple terms?Ans: devops is a combination of all the teams such as development, testing, architecture where all work on common goal or to solve a problem and reduce the time of delivery and to maintain the software quality What exactly do DevOps do?Ans: reduces the time of delivery and improves the quality of the software product by automating the processes. it combines all the teams like development, testing, architecture to work on the goal or problem,

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How DevOps and SRE are different?

DevOps Team will reduce the communication gap between the dev and operation team for faster release of application or product or project to the client. Whereas SRE Team will comprehensively get involved into solving the system engineering process by ensuring reliability and stability and will deal with the activities like production failures, infrastructure issues, monitoring.

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Git Assingment -Pankaj Devrani

Q1. What are differences between the git distributed model and svn server-client model? Git is open source distributed vice control system whereas Apache Subversion is an open source software version and revision control system under Apache license Git has a Distributed Model. But SVN has a Centralized Model. In git every user has their own copy of code on their local like their own branch but In SVN there is central repository has working copy that also make changes and committed

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Docker Assignment – Pankaj Devrani

Components of Docker and its Brief Summary Docker has below components.  dockerd – is a docker daemon which listens for docker API requests using three different types of sockets(unix, tcp and fd)  Containerd – is responsible for managing container lifecycle. It takes care of image push/pull, managing storage, invoking execution of containers, managing network primitives RunC – is command-line client for running applications packed according to OCI format and is a compliant implementation of the OCI What is the differenece

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7.List of 20 docker commands and its use cases with example?

Docker –version         gives the version of docker that’s being used Docker pull                 to pull an image from the registry Docker run <image>  to create a container Docker ps                    list of running containers Docker ps –a               shows all the running and exited containers Docker stop                stop a running container gracefully Docker kill                  stops a running container abruptly Docker commit           creates a new image of an edited container Docker push                used to push an image

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