Why we always start with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

Source:- 126kr.com Ten years ago, researchers and cutting-edge developers had to argue that software testing was part of the process of writing software, not a nice to have depending on the budget. Nowadays, it is almost always accepted that shipping an application (or a feature) is an inherent bundle including code, tests and documentation. Open Source software have been written that way for decades and thanks to GitHub, which generalized Open Source good practices, things got a lot better. In

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Totally automatic: Improve DevOps and security in three key steps

Source:- techtarget.com Concerned about DevOps security? Learn three key steps to embedding security into the software development process, including how to improve automation. The goal of DevOps is to engage the development and operations teams simultaneously throughout the software development lifecycle. That means both during the code’s initial development and whenever developers modify or update it. No matter what the stage, it’s essential to maintain security and compliance by building them in at the outset. Here’s the good news: There’s

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How to apply DevOps practices to legacy IT

Source:- computerweekly.com The one constant in legacy systems is that they can’t just be switched off. We find out how Ticketmaster has adapted its legacy IT to DevOps When Ticketmaster was established 41 years ago, its core software was written on a Vax minicomputer. Over time, its IT estate became more complex. The ticketing company acquired other businesses, taking on their IT, and moved with the times onto the web. The Vax still runs bits of Ticketmaster, albeit in the

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Behavior-Driven Development

Source:- digility.com Another great knowledge share from the Digilty/Mastek team. The latest webinar focused on Behavior Driven Development in automated testing using the Cucumber framework. Here are the top five takeaways from the session, led by Tripti Mittal: What is BDD BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) is a fusion and improved enhancements of practices stemming from TDD (Test Driven Development) and ATDD (Acceptance Test Driven Development). Unlike TDD where testing & development are conducted in isolation, BDD is a collaborative exercise that

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Is Continuous Deployment right for your business?

Source:- 126kr.com It’s easy for technologists to target a challenging architecture or development practice, after all, they love solving technical challenges. So as automation has become a key capability of software development, and organizations have begun to adoptDevOps practices many development teams are striving for the “holy grail” of continuous deployment. Some product owners also love the notion of continuous deployment. Ask for a feature today, build tomorrow and deploy the same day. Seems too good to be true. My

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Choose your cloud strategy carefully

Source:- betanews.com As shown by disruptive businesses such as Airbnb, cloud computing is changing the face of business as we know it. Organizations of all sizes anywhere can now harness the power of cloud-based tools to innovate and collaborate faster and more seamlessly than ever before. Cloud is becoming the foundation for digital transformation, enabling enterprises to manage the pressure of increasing the pace of their production cycles and boosting collaboration throughout the world. McKinsey estimates that by 2018, more than

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9 common mistakes when implementing DevOps

Source:- ciklum.com DevOps can be a godsend, but if used improperly, DevOps can also tank your project. Let’s look at nine common mistakes made when implementing DevOps. 1. Building a DevOps department The point of DevOps isn’t to create a new department strictly for DevOps, but instead to create a new collaborative model that unites existing departments. 2. Failing to streamline software Over-complicated software systems that have too much sprawl require siloed management and make systems over complicated for users. If

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The first-aid DevOps toolkit: What does it contain?

Source:- jaxenter.com DevOps unchained We set out to define DevOps but we learned that one cannot and should not put a label on this ever-changing movement. Greg Bledsoe, managing consultant at Accenture claims that his own understanding of DevOps has evolved considerably while Jason Bloomberg, the president of Intellyx, believes that at the core of this movement lies empathy. Helen Beal, head of DevOps at Ranger4 says that DevOps is not just one person’s job but there are some gaps that

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Organizations put the Scrum back into DevOps

Source:- sdtimes.com Scrum.org and the DevOps Institute are teaming up on ScrumOps, a new approach to software delivery. ScrumOps is designed to transform IT organizations into the next-generation, agile era of working by bringing Scrum and DevOps together. According to the organizations, while some believe DevOps and Scrum don’t work well together, ScrumOps can be applied to any IT organization. It aims to provide a way for teams to continuously delivery secure and working software while measuring success. “I believe

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CA Technologies (CA) Completes the Purchase of Veracode

Source:- nasdaq.com CA Technologies CA recently announced that it has completed the acquisition of a Burlington security software company Veracode, for approximately $614 million in cash. The deal, signed in early March, was subject to customary closing conditions. Founded in 2006, Veracode offers cloud-based software that helps organisations to run large-scale performance and load tests quickly, easily and inexpensively during the building and deployment process. The company serves more than 1,400 customers, which includes Boeing and Thomson Reuters, and its

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Eight best practices for hiring DevOps engineers

Source:- zdnet.com Technavio, a market research firm, predicts that the worldwide DevOps market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 19 percent through 2020. Companies in financial services, healthcare, manufacturing and services are all adopting DevOps methodologies to speed new applications to market, as is the public sector. What is attracting firms to DevOps? The word itself, which originated as a combined expression of ‘software DEVelopment’ and ‘information technology OPerationS’, describes a methodology and supporting tools that invite

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How one company’s DevOps success got them the green light to hire 1000 developers

Source:- techrepublic.com The business concept of doing more with less, which dominated enterprise IT for many years, is being turned on its head in a major way at one pharmaceutical company. The leadership at Express Scripts recently green-lighted the hiring of 1,000 new developers based on the success the company has had with one key tech trend: DevOps. The company got its start in the 1980s, relying heavily on mergers and acquisitions (M&A). And recently, the company began looking into

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7 Reasons to Switch to a Cloud Payroll Software

Source:- pcquest.com Cloud is fast becoming the new normal. According to a Gartner report, the public cloud services market in India is projected to grow 38 percent in 2017 to touch $1.8 billion as nearly 60% IT organisations move their systems management to the cloud. The second highest growth will be driven by Software-as-a-Service (Saas) which indicates that the migration of application and workloads from on-premises data centers to the cloud as well as cloud ready, cloud-native applications are fueling

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DevOps success factors: Culture, APIs and security

Source:- zdnet.com As little as a decade ago, software was shipped in a CD-ROM to a storefront, purchased, and likely abandoned after the user’s initial installation. Today, code is shipped via the internet, meaning that continuous software updates are not only achievable, but expected, whether it’s for desktop, mobile, or browser-based applications. In an age where competitive advantage requires fast time to market, high service levels, and relentless experimentation, enterprises that cannot continuously deliver improvements risk losing in the marketplace.

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DevOps: Challenges and considerations

Source:- itproportal.com Every few years, a new buzzword appears on the IT canvas that sparks hype and excitement among businesses and technologists alike. DevOps is one such term that has continued to gain momentum and is highly-relevant in today’s digital transformation landscape. It’s also a term that’s quite misunderstood. Here are some thoughts that define this term, while also explaining its benefits and challenges. What is DevOps? Very simply put, DevOps embodies Development plus Operations within software development. Traditionally, these

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The Importance of APM for Developers

Source:- ulitzer.com Software developers are the modern equivalent of medieval craftsman. In the old days, masters of the constructive arts – such as those who transformed trees into furniture – would take responsibility for the entire user experience. They did everything from design and configuration to implementation and delivery. If a chair leg broke or wobbled, the craftsman  would also be responsible for resolving the fix. Clearly, the ways of the old masters are not possible at scale. They’re more

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Using Docker Behind a Proxy

Last updated:Tuesday, March 28, 2017 In today’s article, I am going to explore a common pain point for anyone running Docker in a large corporate environment. Today I’ll show how to use Docker without direct internet access. By default, Docker assumes that the system running Docker and executing Docker commands has general access to the internet. Often in large corporate networks this is simply not the case. More often than not, a corporate network will route all internet traffic through

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4 DevOps Metrics to Improve Delivery Performance

Source:- versionone.com How well do your DevOps metrics provide insight into the speed, risk, and quality of software delivery? Read this article to learn the four most critical measures of DevOps performance. Data-Driven DevOps We have a challenge in devops. The minute we convert backlog items into source code and then convert that source code into binary artifacts, we lose all visibility into flow. It’s very difficult to track a specific backlog item in the form of a binary artifact

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Using DevOps principles for better application modernization

Source:- techtarget.com A modern application is an app that adheres to DevOps principles. What does that mean? Keep reading for an explanation of app modernization the DevOps way. Defining DevOps principles To understand what the “DevOps way” is, you have to understand DevOps principles. Briefly, DevOps is an approach to software development that emphasizes constant collaboration between developers, IT ops admins and everyone else who plays a role in software development. By maximizing communication across the organization, DevOps aims to

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5 Tips for a Trouble-Free Cloud Migration

Source:- tech.co If you’re considering migrating to the cloud, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey, companies run 79 percent of their workloads in the cloud. It’s easy to see why: in a cloud environment, you benefit from redundancies that bring you as close as possible to 100 percent uptime. It may sound ideal, but there are hidden roadblocks to migrating to the cloud. Before you make the move, ask yourself these five crucial questions: How Much Downtime Should

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