How kubernetes works? Explain each components with Short Summary

kubernetes consists of master/controlplane and worker Nodes. Control Plane Components : . apiserver The API server is a component of the KubernetesĀ controlplaneĀ that exposes the Kubernetes API. The API server is the front end for the Kubernetes control plane. . etcd Consistent and highly-available key value store used as Kubernetes’ backing store for all cluster data. . kube-scheduler schedules pods for a node .controller-manager It checks continuously whether the pods are running or not. Node Components : . kubelet An agent

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What is Docker and Container? Details explaination with Image!

What is Docker? Docker is a tool to manage containers. What is Container? container is an independent bundle to run applications. Benefit of Docker? Docker saves time and cost for launching and utilizing existing resources for running our applications . Docker Architecture Docker Architecture contains a – client – Docker Server(Deamon) – ContainerD – Kernal Container lifecycle we can create/delete/start/stop/restart/pause/un-pause/kill/remove the containers. How Docker Works!! When a request is made to Docker client ,it runs the image from the registries

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