Assignment day2 Sap by Anil Kumar

How certifcations based auth works??In Certification based authentication, digital certificates are used to validate a user, machine or application, before granting access. These are easy to create, delete or rollback. Certificate based authentication is fast and easy to use. Write a diff between Create vs Apply and Put Vs Post and define IDEOMPOTENCY?Put:- in case of put create new object. it is ideompotent. it will replace a object.Post:- insert or update , even if object is already present. it is

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Kubernetes Defined Kubernetes in Anil’s words.

What is Kubernetes ? Kubernetes is an orchestration tool. Master includes 4 services/tools 1. api server 2. etcd 3. controller 4. scheduler worker/node contains 3 services/tools 1. kubelet 2.kubeproxy 3. docker runtime Worker node can also be called as workstation or minions. Master can be called as control plane also. All the requests are served by api server. Etcd is key value store, which is updated by api server. Etcd can also be used as ditributed data store in a

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