4 DevOps Metrics to Improve Delivery Performance

Source:- versionone.com How well do your DevOps metrics provide insight into the speed, risk, and quality of software delivery? Read this article to learn the four most critical measures of DevOps performance. Data-Driven DevOps We have a challenge in devops. The minute we convert backlog items into source code and then convert that source code into binary artifacts, we lose all visibility into flow. It’s very difficult to track a specific backlog item in the form of a binary artifact

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How Continuous Delivery Can Improve the Customer Experience

Source: fundesco.net Keeping up with the competition and the demands of your customers requires constantly enhancing and improving your website or web application experience. But traditional approaches to delivering updates won’t keep you agile. You need to start thinking about a new way to manage your web and digital experience using Continuous Delivery. Traditional vs. Continuous The traditional, and still often followed, approach to delivering updates and new features to a website or a web application is to introduce them

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What CIOs need to know about containers

What CIOs need to know about containers Source: ciodive.com Software development in the enterprise is no longer something left to technology companies alone. Rather, organizations across sectors have found the need for apps and software to service both customers and internal stakeholders. Whether application creation takes place internally or is contracted out, companies are investing in software that best suits their organizational needs, giving rise to new development technologies and methodologies. One such technology — software containers — has allowed

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Five ways to reduce technical debt, rework costs in Agile, DevOps

Source:- techtarget.com Leaving some technical debt in the wake speeds software delivery, but the high interest on that debt can mean costly rework and loss of customer satisfaction. Software pros describe five ways to reduce technical debt and the problems it causes. Technical debt, also known as code debt, is a software programming phenomenon that happens when low-quality or defective code is released in software, or when defects in software are not discovered and fixed quickly. Most often, this occurs

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Learn How Continuous Delivery is Implemented in Kubernetes

Source:- 126kr.com In a modern development environment, continuous integration and development are central to the success of a software development project. To be successful when using a continuous delivery approach, you need to avail short lived development and test environments for handling code changes. The ability to quickly create and terminate containers in Docker and Kubernetes is a feature that very well supports the continuous delivery model. In this tutorial, we will abbreviate continuous development/continuous integration as CI/CD. As a developer,

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How is Cloud Computing Affecting Traditional Software Delivery? The SaaS Effect

Source:- 1reddrop.com If you are running a business, there is a near 100% chance that you are already using some form of SaaS – Software as a Service. According to a recent a survey by Northbridge and Wikibon, one in seven companies are using SaaS. But that number should be much higher if you include Email, YouTube and social media applications such as facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and so on. These are applications that have already embedded themselves into our lives.

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The First Finish Line: A Fresh Approach to Continuous Delivery

Source:- cioreview.com To meet business needs faster, many organizations are eager to embrace continuous delivery and gain the ability to rapidly and repeatedly push out software enhancements. By applying this methodology, IT teams can improve software systems faster, increasing satisfaction for end users. It is a competitive advantage that allows enterprises to move at the speed of business and meet the expectations of their audience. At Vivint Solar, continuous delivery is key to our ability to succeed in a competitive,

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