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Please explain in details of What is the difference between docker exec and docker? Please share some example commands while explaining the concept?
Please write a answer in comments section.
Docker stop will stop all the processes within the container, however docker kill will kill the container. In both the cases, we can start the container using docker start command.
Docker stop will take it own sweet time however kill terminate with immediate effect
Stop: Just like in windows graceful shutdown(Stop).
Kill: It would terminate without graceful shutdown
Docker Stop: Allow graceful shutdown of container before kill.
Docker kill: Kills container immediately.
Docker Stop: Allows for graceful shutdown of container before kill
Docker kill: Kills container immediately
Docker stop will allow safe termination while kill terminates immediately
Docker stop allows the container to perform a graceful shutdown,
while Docker kill forcefully terminates the container without any opportunity for cleanup.
Running Container — Can be stopped/killed (Resources will be unassociated)
A stopped/killed conatiner can be restarted
A stopped container cannot be killed (as stop has sent the sigkill interrupt to the process)
Kill will be trigered in cases where stop is not fullfilled within the stipulated time.
Docker STOP: will just stop your running container, you can restart the one anytime when you want it again
Docker Kill: Its just like terminating the container completely..
Docker Stop : this command will stop the running container & its processes. Also, if stop is taking more time then Kill will be initiated automatically. Though, we can start the stopped container anytime.
Docker Kill : this command will terminate the running container right away.