What is Prometheus?

Please answer following questions in comments section

What is time series database?

What is the use of prometheus?

What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.

How prometheus Works?


- https://www.devopsschool.com/blog/prometheus-promql-example-query-node-exporter/
- https://www.devopsschool.com/blog/prometheus-promql-example-query/
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Jacek Szałęga
Jacek Szałęga
8 months ago

1. A time series database is a database optimized for time-stamped or time series data, which are measurements or events that are tracked, monitored, and aggregated over time.

2. Prometheus is an open-source monitoring solution for collecting and aggregating metrics as time series data in time series database. It is used to monitor systems and applications, providing insights into performance and operational health.

3. The components of Prometheus include:
  – prometheus server: The main server which scrapes and stores time series data.
  – client libraries: These are used for instrumenting application code.
  – push gateway: Supports metrics collection from short-lived jobs.
  – special-purpose exporters: These support services like HAProxy, StatsD, Graphite, etc.
  – alertmanager: Handles alerts based on preset rules.

4. Prometheus works by using an exposed HTTP endpoint to get metrics. Once an endpoint is available, Prometheus starts scraping numerical data, captures it as a time series, and stores it in a local database suited to time-series data. It can also integrate with remote storage repositories.

swati singh
swati singh
8 months ago

What is time series database?
– is a special type of database that is designed to store and handle data that is associated with a specific time and date.storesand queryies large volumes of time-stamped data.

What is the use of prometheus?
-open-source monitoring and alerting system.It is used to collect and store metrics from applications and infrastructure, and to generate alerts when something goes wrong. 

What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.
-The server collects metrics from exporters, stores them in a time series database, and exposes them to the query language. Exporters are programs that collect metrics from specific applications or services. The query language is used to query the time series database and generate alerts.

How prometheus Works?
-Prometheus collects metrics from applications and infrastructure, stores them in a database, and makes them available for querying and alerting.

8 months ago

1. What is time series database?

time series database is a database that is used for storing and retrieving data that is saved over time. Each data point in a time series database has a timestamp, which allows you to track how the data changes over time

2. What is the use of prometheus?

Prometheus is a monitoring/alerting system used to collect and store metrics from applications and infrastructure

3. What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.

Prometheus server  Collects and stores metrics from targets.
targets            Applications and infrastructure that Prometheus collects metrics from
exporters          Collect metrics from targets and send them to the Prometheus server
alerts             Rules that Prometheus uses to notify you when certain conditions are met

4. How prometheus Works?

It periodically scrapes metrics from targets, stores them in a time series database, and provides a query language to query the metrics database for dashboards and alerts

Silvia Acosta Oleta
Silvia Acosta Oleta
8 months ago

What is time series database?
are streams of timestamped values belonging to the same metric and the same set of labeled dimensions.

What is the use of prometheus?
to collect numeric metrics from services that run 24/7 and allow metric data to be accessed via HTTP endpoints.

What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.
client libraries, push gateway, short-live jobs 

How prometheus Works?

it collects, arranges, and stores them. Open-source software called Prometheus “scrapes” metrics HTTP endpoints to gather metrics from targets.

8 months ago

What is time series database?
component that enables the storage and retrieval of time-stamped data points.

What is the use of prometheus?
is used to monitor and collect metrics from various systems, services, and applications

What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.
The components are: a server to collect, a server to export data and a tool to graph

How prometheus Works?
collect, store, query, and alert on metrics data

jorge Sadao
jorge Sadao
8 months ago

What is time series database?
Prometheus stores all data as time series: streams of timestamped values belonging to the same metric and the same set of labeled dimensions.
 Besides stored time series, Prometheus may generate temporary derived time series as the result of queries.

What is the use of prometheus?
Prometheus is an open-source technology designed to provide monitoring and alerting functionality for cloud-native environments, including Kubernetes.
 It can collect and store metrics as time-series data, recording information with a timestamp.
 It can also collect and record labels, which are optional key-value pairs.

What are the components of prometheus?
   Prometheus server: the main Prometheus server which scrapes and stores time series data
   Client libraries: client libraries for instrumenting application code
   Push gateway: a push gateway for supporting short-lived jobs
   Exporters: special-purpose exporters for services like HAProxy, StatsD, Graphite, etc.
   Alertmanager: an alertmanager to handle alerts

How Prometheus Works?

   Prometheus collects data in the form of time series. The time series are built through a pull model:
   The Prometheus server queries(scrape) a list of data sources (sometimes called exporters) at a specific polling frequency
   Prometheus data is stored in the form of metrics, with each metric having a name that is used for referencing and querying it
   Prometheus stores data locally on disk, which helps for fast data storage and fast querying but ability to store metrics in remote storage.
   Each Prometheus server is standalone, not depending on network storage or other remote services.

Dirk Willemans
Dirk Willemans
8 months ago

What is time series database?
is a database designed for handeling time-stamped or time-series data.Time-series data are events that are tracked, monitored and aggregated over time.

What is the use of prometheus?
Prometheus is a opensource monitoring tool written in go that collects metrics data and stores data in time series databases

What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.
Server, push gateway, node exporters and a alert manager
How prometheus Works?Prometheus “scrapes” metrics HTTP endpoints to gather metrics from targets

Alison Silva
Alison Silva
8 months ago

What is time series database?
Database designed to store data based on time. Associates data with timestamps, very used nowadays for bigdata or any needs to report samples in time scale.

What is the use of prometheus?
Used to agregate data in real time time series.

What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.
Collect and store metrics as time series data that can be retrieved using SQL language.

How prometheus Works?
Its a monitoring tool that capturas and process time series.

Ankur Malik
Ankur Malik
8 months ago

What is time series database?
Time series data is a group of observations on a single entity and these are simply measurements or events that are tracked, monitored. 

What is the use of prometheus?
Prometheus is an open source monitoring solution written in Go that collects metrics data and stores that data in a time series database and allow metric data to be accessed via HTTP endpoints. Prometheus exposes data using a simple format, with a new line for each metric.

What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.
Prometheus consists of several elements that help provide excellent services like Prometheus servers, push gateway, alert manager, client libraries, etc.

How prometheus Works?
Prometheus is a server that collects numeric metrics from services and allows users to access them through HTTP endpoints.

Ville Kääriä
Ville Kääriä
8 months ago

What is time series database?
It is database optimized for storing and serving data which is stored based on time. 

What is the use of prometheus?
Prometheus is used to gather and serve metrics. We can use it to draw graphs with grafana or create alerts with alertmanager.

What are the components of prometheus?
Prometheus server – Database where metrics are stored
Service exporter (node,mysql,etc) – Service that will publish REST endpoint for prometheus server to ask for service specific metrics
Alert manager – Service that is used to send alerts by email, pagerduty, webhook etc
Push gateway – Middle service that can be used to recieve metrics from applications and provide endpoint for prometheus server to retreive them

How prometheus Works?
Prometheus server queries exporters/push gateways in specified interval and asks current metrics and saves that based on time.
Exporters publish endpoint for prometheus server to query specific application metrics.

Kiran Kumar Vuyyuru
Kiran Kumar Vuyyuru
8 months ago

What is time series database?

In Prometheus time series is a series of timestamp, value pairs ordered by timestamp . The value can contain only numeric values Every time series in Prometheus has a name.

What is the use of prometheus?

Prometheus is a monitoring tool , It’s an open-source system for monitoring services and alerts based on a time series data model.

What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.

 the main Prometheus server which scrapes and stores time series data. client libraries for instrumenting application code. a push gateway for supporting short-lived jobs

How prometheus Works?

Prometheus collects data in the form of time series. The time series are built through a pull model:

Prometheus data is stored in the form of metrics, with each metric having a name that is used for referencing and querying it

Mariano Gazzola
Mariano Gazzola
8 months ago

>What is time series database?
a DB optimized for time series data TSDB

>What is the use of prometheus?
A tool that can gather telemetry from target systems, collect and register in a TSDB, set rules for alerting based on the telemetry collected and provide an API for using the data with graphic tools like grafana.

>What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.
Prometeus server, including a TSDB for ingesting the data
Exporters, that gather the data from target systems
A webserver for UI 
The alert manager for sending notifications
push gateway for short lived jobs

>How prometheus Works?
scraping telemetry from jobs, stored in the TSDB and rules are applied to the data to aggregate and generate new series.

Danny Rubiano
Danny Rubiano
8 months ago

Q1: What is time series database?
A1: A time series database (TSDB) is a database optimized for storing and querying time-stamped data. Time series data is data that is collected over time, such as CPU usage, memory usage, and network traffic. TSDBs are designed to handle large volumes of time series data and to provide fast queries on that data.

Q2: What is the use of Prometheus?
A2: Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system that collects and stores time series data. It is often used to monitor applications and infrastructure in cloud-native environments. Prometheus is known for its reliability, scalability, and flexibility.

Q3:What are the components of Prometheus?
A3:Prometheus has the following components:

  • Prometheus server: The Prometheus server is responsible for scraping targets and storing metric data.
  • Targets: Targets are the sources of metric data. Targets can be applications, infrastructure components, or other systems.
  • Exporters: Exporters are programs that collect metric data from targets and expose it to Prometheus in a format that Prometheus can understand.
  • Alertmanager: Alertmanager is responsible for routing alerts to notification systems.

Q4: How Prometheus works?
A4: Prometheus works by scraping targets at regular intervals. When Prometheus scrapes a target, it sends an HTTP request to the target’s metrics endpoint. The target returns the metrics in a format that Prometheus can understand. Prometheus then stores the metrics in its local database.

Prometheus can also store metrics that are pushed to it by external systems. This is useful for monitoring short-lived jobs or systems that cannot be scraped directly.
Prometheus can be used to query metric data and to generate alerts. Alerts can be generated based on metric thresholds or other conditions.
Single-line explanation of Prometheus components and workflow:
Prometheus scrapes metrics from targets (applications, infrastructure, etc.) and stores them in its local database. It can also query metric data and generate alerts.

Kostiantyn Konstantinov
Kostiantyn Konstantinov
8 months ago

## What is time series database?
It is a system that optimizes data storing by associating multiple values with a timestamp.
## What is the use of prometheus?
Prometheus is a monitoring system that uses a time series approach to store monitoring data derived from metrics.
## What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.
Prometheus server – scrapes and stores time series data.
Client libraries – used to collect data from an application, using custom code.
Push Gateway – Used as a buffer to temporarily store monitoring data until the Prometheus server pulls the data. PG is used when a direct connection between a system ( where exporter is running) and the Prometheus server is not possible.
Alertmanager – is used to receive alerts that can be integrated with various applications.
## How prometheus Works?
The Prometheus server receives data from a system by connecting to a specific port via http/https. The data that can be retrieved is prepared by an “exporter” that uses metrics to collect the required data on a client server/system.

Vanikar Faisal
Vanikar Faisal
8 months ago

1.A. Time series database store the data associated with the timestamps. It will have set of datapoints that are associated with time. It helps in retriving all the associated data during a particular timestamp.

2.A. Prometheus collects various metrics and works based on pull mechanism. There are different exporters available for different platform, db and services.
3.A. Prometheus which is used for discovery and storing data. Exporter to define the metrics and Alert Manager
4.A. Prometheus gathers information through http endpoints and stores the data in time series.

8 months ago

# What is time series database?
It’s a database which stores changed data values by timestamp and order by time.

# What is the use of prometheus?
To monitor metrics and send alerts with alert manager.

# What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.
Prometheus Server: To control all components.
Time Series Database: To store metrics value by timestamp.
Targets: Targets are the endpoints we collect metrics from.
Scrapers: Prometheus use scrapers to collect metrics from the targets by http requests.
Alertmanager: It’s a additional componet which we can use to send alerts to other system. 
Exporters: When the system we want to monitor does not provide metrics with web service, we can install the exporter on the system and collect the metrics for Prometheus.  

# How prometheus Works?
Prometheus is a pull-based monitoring tool which collects metrics from targets with scrapers or exporters, and stores value in time series database.

Francisco Jose Montoya
Francisco Jose Montoya
8 months ago

What is Prometheus?
Is a monitoring tool use mainly for infrastructe, that collect and store metrics

What is time series database?
is a db that is optimized for storing data that is associate in pairs of time and values
What is the use of prometheus?
it is use for machine (infra) monitoring and for monitoring of dynamic services, by collecting numeric metrics from services that run 24/7

What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation. 
It has a central server that retrives and store the metrics that are scraped from different jobs directly from the server or using a gateway. Also you can use a Grafana front end to visuallize the collected data and an alerting module that sends the alerts configured on the central server.

How prometheus Works?
it needs to instrument some jobs to obtain metrics from different sources and collects them directly from the sources or using an intermedia gateway. the information is store on the central server and not in the manage servers, the information is aggregated and record in a time series. then it uses an alerting module to create the necessaries rules for generate alerts. And for the visualization of the data collected we can use a Grafana gui or use APIs to create reports.

Victor Palomo
Victor Palomo
8 months ago

What is time series database?

Store data easily about events (time stamps).

What is the use of prometheus?

It’s a time series database that is used to allocate metrics with the focal point in time stamps.

What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.

Exporter, storage, alerts manager, Prometheus server

How prometheus Works?

Get the data from exporters using pull metrics.

Milan Schild
Milan Schild
8 months ago

What is time series database?
A database system for saving a list of timestamps with required values

What is the use of prometheus?
To monitor/collect all the info from the systems in a specific simple format

What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.
main server – storing and scrapping the data
libraries – list of codes/apps to do necessary things inside something

How prometheus Works?
Prometheus collects data and providing all necessary operations, it keeps the data on the own storage and also providing support for external aps.

Arturo Alvarado Esparza
Arturo Alvarado Esparza
8 months ago

What is time series database?

Is a sequence of data points collected at regular intervals over period of time.

What is the use of prometheus?

Prometheus is a monitoring tool, which you can use to monitor a variety of infraestructure and application metrics. It’s used to collect numeric metrics from services and allow metric data to be accessed via HTTP endpoints

What are the components of prometheus? write a single line explanation.
Prometheus server – Server that scrapes and stores series data
Client libraries – Install in application server to instrumenting application code
Push gateways – is useful for gathering metrics from systems that aren’t compatible with the rest of the infrastructure, which is pull-based, batch tasks for example
Exporters – can be thought of as “single-purpose monitoring agents” that collect metrics from a specific third-party system
AlertManager -handle alerts sent by Prometheus server

How prometheus Works?
Prometheus requires an exposed HTTP endpoint to obtain metrics. Prometheus can begin scraping numerical data, capturing it as a time series, and storing it in a local database designed for time-series data as an endpoint is ready.

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