Terraform Notes – Day 3 – 20 Sept 2023

Terraform Slides


How to set Condition in terraform?

Dependency mgmt
	- implicit - Set by Providers
	- explicit - deponds_on


How to loop or iterate in terraform?


How to pass diff values to diff env using diff workspace?

Step 1 - Create terrafrom.tfvars [ Default Workspace ]

tagsvalue = "this-is-default"
numofecc2 = 20
cpu = 2
dbcpu = 6
appcpu =4
azs = ["", "", ""]

Step 2 - Create qa.tfvars

tagsvalue = "this-is-qa"
numofecc2 = 5
dbcpu = 4
appcpu = 2
azs = ["", "", ""]

Step 3 - Go to default workspace
$ terraform workspace select default
$ terraform apply --auto-approve [ Loading - terrafrom.tfvars and This would store state file in terraform.tfstate ] 

Step 4 - Go to qa workspace
$ terraform workspace select qa
$ terraform apply --auto-approve -var-file="qa.tfvars" [ This would store state file in terraform.tfstate.d/qa.terraform.tfstate ]

qa.tfvars	[ HIGH PRE]
terrafrom.tfvars   [ LOW PRE]

Terraform Meta Aruguments

connection {
  type        = "winrm"
  host        = aws_instance.example.private_ip
  user        = "Administrator"
  password    = "your_password"
  https       = true  # Enable HTTPS
  insecure    = true  # Ignore SSL certificate validation (for testing purposes, not recommended in production)
  port        = 5986  # Use the default HTTPS port for WinRM
  cacert      = "/path/to/ca.crt"  # Optional path to a CA certificate file (if required)
  cert        = "/path/to/client.crt"  # Optional path to a client certificate file (if required)
  key         = "/path/to/client.key"  # Optional path to the client certificate's private key file (if required)
  timeout     = "5m"  # Set a timeout for the WinRM connection
  max_retries = 3     # Maximum number of connection retries
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