Technical debt and the cloud: The key steps to repaying your development deficit

Source – Opinion Many years ago, I compared the concept of technical debt to a mismanaged baseball team. The baseball team in question spent untold millions on ageing veterans, rather than home-grown talent that could take them into the future. IT departments the world over tend to exhibit the same behaviours in retaining ageing technology rather than keeping up with upgrades, new methodologies, and new paradigms. The obvious result of this lack of foresight is the gathering of overwhelming technical debt.

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Five ways to reduce technical debt, rework costs in Agile, DevOps

Source – Leaving some technical debt in the wake speeds software delivery, but the high interest on that debt can mean costly rework and loss of customer satisfaction. Software pros describe five ways to reduce technical debt and the problems it causes. Technical debt, also known as code debt, is a software programming phenomenon that happens when low-quality or defective code is released in software, or when defects in software are not discovered and fixed quickly. Most often, this occurs in

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Five ways to reduce technical debt, rework costs in Agile, DevOps

Source:- Leaving some technical debt in the wake speeds software delivery, but the high interest on that debt can mean costly rework and loss of customer satisfaction. Software pros describe five ways to reduce technical debt and the problems it causes. Technical debt, also known as code debt, is a software programming phenomenon that happens when low-quality or defective code is released in software, or when defects in software are not discovered and fixed quickly. Most often, this occurs

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