How to completely uninstall docker

Source – I followed the uninstall instructions here. Then I ran these commands: sudo apt-get purge docker-engine sudo apt-get autoremove –purge docker-engine rm -rf /var/lib/docker So after I did all this I ran this command to see if docker files are any where else: sudo find / -name ‘*docker*’ I found several places where docker files still exists. /etc /sys /lib /usr /usr /run /proc /var Docker exists in subfolders in the list above.

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Setup local WordPress development environment with Docker error 500

Source – I need help with setting up my docker, I know there is much already configured environments but I need the one that fits my needs. Bellow you can find my setup. docker-compose.yml version: ‘3’ services: nginx: image: nginx:latest ports: – “80:80” volumes: – ./wordpress:/var/www/html – ./config/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d – ./logs/nginx:/var/log/nginx depends_on: – phpfpm restart: always mariadb: image: mariadb:latest ports: – “3306:3306” volumes: – ./data/db:/var/lib/mysql environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password MYSQL_DATABASE: wordpress MYSQL_USER: wordpress MYSQL_PASSWORD: password restart: always phpfpm: image: php:fpm ports: –

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DevOps engineers think Docker, Ansible and Kubernetes are the top 3 tools to learn

Source – The data is in. According to Packt’s third annual Skill Up survey, Machine Learning, Big Data, and cloud computing are the top three trends in tech for 2017. Five thousand developers and tech professionals across the world responded to Packt’s third annual Skill Up survey to share their thoughts on the latest tech tools and trends, and how they work and learn. This year’s survey went even deeper than previous years, asking respondents to share their opinions on

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How to start working with Docker logs

Source – Chances are you’ve run into issues with a Docker container or two. When that happens, what do you do? As with any piece of mission-critical software, any IT pro worth their weight in Cat5 will say the first thing you do is check the log files. The same holds true with Docker. But how do you check a log file for a container that doesn’t contain a complete operating system? Fortunately, the developers of Docker have thought of

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Testing ansible in docker container – how to set networks?

Source – I write this post to Docker for Mac not General, since I think this problem is quite related with OSX network settings. If not, tell me so I can move this to other section. This post is quite relevant with Ansible I am trying to build test environments for ansible with following conditions. Using centos docker container for ansible Using centos docker containers for targets All of 3 containers run successfully, but when I try to deploy to

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How to Deploy Java Apps With Docker

Source – For those new to Docker, let me say “Welcome to the party!” It’s an easy way to deploy, run, and manage applications using VM-like containers that are independent of elements like hardware and language, which makes these containers highly portable. And it’s all the rage. So how do you deploy Java apps using Docker? You’re in the right place. I’ll walk through the process step by step – from installing Docker to installing Java inside a Docker container

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Why “Is Docker Secure?” is the Wrong Question to Ask

Source – Is Docker secure? That’s the million-dollar question as more and more organizations migrate production workloads to containers. But that’s a simplistic question, and there is not a yes or no answer. Instead of thinking in binary terms about Docker security (that is, trying to decide whether it is secure or not) it’s better to delve into the details of how Docker works in order to understand how the Docker security paradigm plays out. So, let’s take a look

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How to rebuild go project efficiently while using Docker Compose?

Source – This may be a stupid question, but I’m new to using Docker-compose. So far, I love it… but I’m having some long build times. I have a project with several dependencies, and I need to obviously rebuild the source every time I make a change. Right now, I’m calling docker-compose build to rebuild the container, followed by a docker-compose up. The problem is: It’s rebuilding the entire container for every change I make to the source code (which

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Docker for Continuous Delivery: The Basics

Source – we have begun to leverage Docker for building our Node.js middleware applications and front end code. This originally came out of necessity since we had some repositories dependent on version 4 of Node and others on 6, but only 4 installed on the Jenkins agents. Rather than install both versions of Node and toggle them using a node version manager like n or, worse yet, using Jenkins tags to have some agents with one version and some with

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Integrating Codeship Pro And Docker With Percy Visual Testing

Source – What Is Percy? Percy is a visual testing tool that lets you take screen shots, monitor visual changes and require team approval to these visual captures in an automated way as part of your CI/CD pipeline. Setting Up Percy Setting Your Percy Variables You will need to add the two values Percy provides when you create a new project inside their application – PERCY_TOKEN and PERCY_PROJECT – to the encrypted environment variables that you define in your codeship-services.yml

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How To Automatically Update Running Docker Containers

Source – Watchtower is a free, open source application that allows you to monitor the running Docker containers and updates them automatically if it finds any changes in their base images. When watchtower finds that a running container needs to be updated, it will gracefully stop the running container by sending it a SIGTERM signal. It will then download the new image, and finally restart the Container with the same options that were used when it was deployed initially. Everything will

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Docker failed to start on windows 10

Source – Environment OS: : Windows 10 enterprise 64 bit Version: 1511 OS Build: 10586.633 Docker Hyper-V has been enabled. Expected behavior The docker should run on windows 10 Actual behavior See the error information below. Docker does not start. Information When docker starts then it throws the following exception: Unable to start: The running command stopped because the preference variable “ErrorActionPreference” or common parameter is set to Stop: ‘MobyLinuxVM’ failed to start. ‘MobyLinuxVM’ failed to initialize. ‘MobyLinuxVM’ failed to

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Top 10 Benefits of using Docker

Source – Today, there is a buzz all around about containerization and Docker. What exactly the Docker is and how it is related to containerization? What are the top benefits of using docker ? Why it became so popular ? And what are the statistics and successful case studies related to Docker ? In this article I will answer all these questions. What is docker & how is it related to containerization Running applications in containers instead of virtual machines is

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Continuous Deployment of a Python Flask Application with Docker and Semaphore

Source – Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll go through the continuous integration and deployment of a dockerized Python Flask application with Semaphore. We’ll deploy the application to Heroku. Continuous integration and deployment help developers to: Focus on developing features rather than spending time on manual deployment, Be certain that their application will work as expected, Update existing applications or rollback features by versioning applications using Git, and Eliminate the it works on my machine issue by providing a standardized testing

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How to use Dockerfiles

Source – With Docker images, you can easily deploy containers without having to worry about maintaining the same overhead required by virtual machines. These containers can be pulled from the Docker Hub with ease, for easy use. Let’s say, for example, you want to pull down the latest Ubuntu image for development purposes. However, before you start development, there are a number of changes you need to make to the image (such as updating, upgrading, and adding the build-essential package

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How well do you know Docker components and services?

Source:- With Docker containers moving into more enterprise IT shops, it’s imperative to grasp how the technology works. Test your knowledge of Docker components and services with this quiz. Docker is a hot topic in IT operations. It’s not only dominating conversations, but taking over the containerization market as well. The open source Docker service expanded in 2015 to offer a paid enterprise edition, and has become the most commonly used containerization software in this nascent technological market. Docker

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5 reasons developers love containers

Source:- Linux containers have been around for almost a decade, but it was only with the release of Docker four years ago that large numbers of developers began to adopt the technology. Now it seems that containers are everywhere and their popularity continues to rise. Containers have become such an important part of the IT landscape that server virtualization giants like VMware and Microsoft have had to go out of their way to accommodate them. VMware now offers a

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Using Docker Behind a Proxy

Last updated:Tuesday, March 28, 2017 In today’s article, I am going to explore a common pain point for anyone running Docker in a large corporate environment. Today I’ll show how to use Docker without direct internet access. By default, Docker assumes that the system running Docker and executing Docker commands has general access to the internet. Often in large corporate networks this is simply not the case. More often than not, a corporate network will route all internet traffic through

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Seven ways the mature Docker container architecture changes the game

Source:- What does the architecture of a containerized system look like, and how have Docker container architectures evolved as Docker matures? The answer to this question can be found by examining the different layers of infrastructure required to host containerized applications. What is a container architecture? Simply put, a container architecture is the hardware and infrastructure set up to host an application within containers. Managing a Docker container architecture is different from running just a single container. Running a

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3 Key DevOps Needs for Every Development Team

Source:- Agile development has created a process for developers to rapidly ship a new version of their code. DevOps is the next step in the process. It is the ability to help get that code to production as fast as possible. DevOps should be about empowering your development team to be able to do their job and support their apps from A to Z. There are the 3 critical things I think every development team needs. 1. Automate builds

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