Site Reliability Engineers (SRE) Job Description: Skills, Roles, and Responsibilities.

What is Site Reliability Engineers (SRE)? Before we start let’s talk about what is SRE. SRE is the one who works with the software engineers with the collaboration between developers and operation teams. SRE is a practice that combines both software development skills and mindset to IT operations. The main focus of SRE is to enhance the reliability and performance of applications, with automation and continuous integration and delivery. SRE has changed the traditional way of working as an operation

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Survey Suggests DevOps Drives Digital Business Transformation

Source:-devops.comA survey published this week by New Relic, a provider of IT monitoring services, suggests there is a high correlation between organizations that have embarked on digital business transformation initiatives and adoption of best DevOps practices. Revealed at the Futurestack conference hosted by New Relic, the survey 750 global senior IT decision-makers of enterprises with 500 to 5,000-plus employees in Australia, France, Germany, UK and the U.S. conducted by the market research firm Vanson Bourne finds roughly 50% of organizations in the U.S.

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Choosing the Right Enterprise Kubernetes Management Solution

Source:- According to a Forrest Group report, Kubernetes is winning in the “war for orchestration”. Since its launch in 2014, Kubernetes has grown exponentially in popularity, quickly becoming the standard for container management. Being open-source, several third-party enterprise Kubernetes management solutions were developed to help with clusters management. Read on to learn more about these container management tools and how to choose the right one for your organization. Why Enterprises Should Use Kubernetes Kubernetes is an open-source container management tool,

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Top DevOps Challenges at DOES19

Source:- I recently attended the prestigious DevOps Enterprise Summit in London. During the three-day event, I asked people what their major DevOps transformation challenge is. I wanted to examine these at global events, asking the same question. I recently attended the prestigious DevOps Enterprise Summit in London. During the three-day event, I asked people what their major DevOps transformation challenge is. I wanted to examine these at global events, asking the same question. Recent Posts By Mark Smalley The Third

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Microsoft launches Azure Lighthouse in general availability, updates Azure Migration Program

Source:- Next week marks the kickoff of Microsoft’s annual Inspire convention in Las Vegas, where the Seattle company reliably announces a slew of enterprise product updates across its portfolio. This year, in addition to Microsoft Teams news and a new AI for Good initiative, it launched Azure Lighthouse in general availability alongside Azure Migration Program enhancements Azure Lighthouse In essence, Azure Lighthouse is a control panel that integrates with portals, IT service management (ITSM) tools, and monitoring tools to let

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9 Pillars of Continuous Security Best Practices

Source- Without proper consideration given to security best practices, the continuous delivery of software changes facilitated by DevOps is risky. On the other hand, DevOps provides an opportunity to reduce security risks if security is integrated into the continuous delivery pipeline according to best practices. This blog enumerates best practices for security across nine pillars of DevOps: Leadership, Collaborative Culture, Design for DevOps, Continuous Integration, Continuous Testing, Continuous Monitoring, Elastic Infrastructure, Continuous Delivery/Deployment and Continuous Security. Examples of best practices

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Visibility is key for devops and the hybrid cloud

Source- Cloud has undoubtedly become a key component of successful business in recent years, especially when you consider the race to digitally transform. Across the globe, companies are moving their applications and services to the cloud and are consequently reaping the benefits of lower capex and opex as a result. However, with this process, cloud migration is only a beginning for any organization’s digital transformation (DX) journey. If harnessed correctly, cloud is a pillar of innovation for DX, and can

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Where Do You Want to be on the DevOps Maturity Scale?

Source – What kind of DevOps practices, tools, and culture are commensurate with your digital investments? According to Forrester, 50% of organisations are implementing DevOps principles – it has reached “Escape Velocity”. However, interpreting ‘implementing DevOps’ depends on where they are with DevOps maturity; when we look across organisations, we see three patterns emerge: DevOps Lite, Ops-Centric DevOps, and Dev-Centric DevOps. If you believe digital transformation will rapidly enable you to achieve scale, increase revenues, and stay ahead of competition, then

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Best Practices for Your SaaS Laravel Application on AWS

Source – It is not easy to subsist in a modern cloud ecosystem. However, there are solid principles that will help you to build a perfect AWS architecture for your Laravel application, including the 12-factor methodology, design applications with a stateless approach and decoupling service components. I’m sure you are adopting many of these principles already. However, I will cover merely the relevant to the AWS Laravel architecture and AWS Auto Scaling to maximize infrastructure robustness. 12-Factor App Methodology Key

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The Struggles DevOps Administrators are Up Against

Source – DevOps has quickly gone from being a niche concept to a widespread practice that is gaining traction rapidly in both large and small organizations. As it becomes a key part of many development teams, administrators must work to integrate DevOps techniques, tools and practices into a wide range of teams, from operations to development, support and management. The seamless completion of this implementation, together with the overall change in methodology and culture from top to bottom, provides a

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Agencies Should Look Beyond DevOps to DevSecOps

Source – As Federal agencies adopt DevOps practices to shorten development cycles and increase deployment frequency, security must be interwoven into every aspect of the process from design, through coding, testing, release, and operation. DevOps, a moniker that is a combination of development and operations, is now morphing into DevSecOps as organizations and security professionals rethink how they develop, manage, and secure applications. A primary goal of DevSecOps is to break down barriers and open collaboration between development, security, and

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A proactive flavor of DevOps grows at Google

Source – Everyone wants to do DevOps these days, but what does a well-humming DevOps environment really look like? What is the vision to strive for? To date, DevOps has been popping up as a hodgepodge of activities and initiatives across companies, perhaps in the name of doing it because it’s the thing to do. As a result, companies really aren’t seeing the full potential of DevOps. Consistency in DevOps approaches is a rare thing indeed, relates Kurt Marko, citing a recent

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DevOps lessons learned: What I wish I knew sooner

Source – The DevOps movement is nearing its 10th anniversary. A lot has changed since 2009, the year of the first major DevOps conference led by Patrick Debois (now known as the Father of DevOps). Today, DevOps practitioners and enthusiasts are no longer the “lone wolves” at their organizations. DevOps skills are in increasingly high demand as organizations realize that digital transformation requires the speed, agility, and efficiency that come with DevOps. Since DevOps Engineer ranked second in GlassDoor’s 10 Best Jobs in America for 2018, many

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DevOps Experience: Learn a Lot without Leaving Your Spot

Source – The great thing about conferences is they can be hotbeds of learning: keynote presentations, seminars, one-on-one sessions, networking … the list goes on. The drawback, however, is the travel: delayed flights, the dreaded middle seat on the airplane, lost luggage, jet lag … the list goes on. That’s why virtual conferences are now my first choice: All the of the learning, none of the hassle. MediaOps—the company behind, Container Journal, Security Boulevard, DevOpsTV and more—and CA Technologies

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Source – Dreariness in the IT department can be a major roadblock in the journey to success. DevOps looks to attack this problem like it’s never been done before. The DevOps philosophy is centered on the idea of collaboration between the development and operations groups within the organization. By developing a set of shared goals, DevOps eliminates the sources of friction between the two functions. This helps IT deliver software to end customers and internal customers much quicker than before, and

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DevOps Security: 3 Privileged Access Management Best Practices

Source – The tremendous upside of DevOps practices and tools are enough to keep organizations pressing forward at all costs. But when sloppy use of DevOps toolchains cause breaches, more than half the time it comes down to poor protection of privileged accounts. According to a recent study by security vendor Beyond Trust, 52 percent of IT practitioners say that overprivileged users are at the root of DevOps and other next-generation technology-caused breaches. If organizations are going to reap the biggest benefits

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Integrating Blockchain and DevOps

Source – Blockchain is one of today’s hottest technology buzzwords. And at the same time, the concept of DevOps has achieved acceptance and is gaining momentum. Blockchain and DevOps already offer a number of benefits individually. Together, they can provide significant tactical and strategic advantages. However, some challenges must be overcome simply to adopt blockchain, as well as to successfully merge blockchain and DevOps. What is Blockchain? Let’s start with an overview of blockchain. Many people mistakenly conflate cryptocurrency and

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Making the Database Key to DevOps

Source – The speed of business today demands that the development and deployment of applications is fast-moving, with frequent yet error-free releases. That’s why the adoption of DevOps is trickling down from Amazon, Facebook, Google and the other usual suspects to every company that relies on technology to drive its communications or sales with users. The database is now entering the picture, too, because when front-end applications are changed, there often needs to be a change at the back end

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5 Steps to Put a Faltering DevOps Plan Back on Track

Source – DevOps encompasses a set of practices that automate and streamline processes between software development and IT teams, enabling organizations to build, test, and release software faster and more reliably. That’s the goal, anyway. But what happens when a DevOps initiative doesn’t meet an organization’s anticipated goals or, worse yet, actually begins exerting a negative impact on software development? That’s when it’s time to go back to the virtual drawing board and steer the initiative back onto its planned course.

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Building the Development Side of DevOps

Source – Developing software has always been about creating products that work. Unfortunately, “work” is a relative term when the goal is to satisfy hundreds, if not thousands, and perhaps even millions, of users across all manner of disciplines. This is why DevOps is quickly supplanting the traditional waterfall model of development. Once you have established basic functionality, it makes much more sense to roll out continuous improvements quickly rather than wait a year or more for the next big

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