Business alignment and cultural change will be on agenda for DevOps Virtual Forum

Source:- In the beginning, there was ā€œDevā€ and there was ā€œOps.ā€ Now, the term ā€œDevOpsā€ has taken its place in the tech lexicon, and the combination symbolizes how developers and IT operations have blended into one unit. What propelled DevOps to the forefront of organizational focus was a desire to drive both productivity and software growth. Rather than serve as an obstacle to success, operations teams have sought ways to facilitate the developersā€™ agile mantra. Now the challenge will be

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Forget DevOps, letā€™s do OpsDev

Source –Ā   Implications of application interconnectivity Going forward, companies will attempt to capitalize on offering an integrated and personalized digital user experience, where several online services will beĀ integrated to create a seemingly unified always-on customer experience across multiple channels and user touch-points. This means a customerā€™s experience with aĀ brand or company will spans many interconnected applications, all comprised of different code bases, data sources, hosted at the different datacentres, designed and developed by different teams, using different technologies, APIs

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Optimizing the Ops in DevOps

Source –Ā We call it DevOps but much of the time there’s a lot more discussion about the needs and concerns of developers than there is about other groups. There’s a focus on improved and less isolated developer workflows. There are many discussions around collaboration, continuous integration and delivery, issue tracking, source code control, code review, IDEs, and xPaaS – and all the tools that enable those things. Changes in developer practices may come up – such as developers taking

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Optimization for SaaS: Works for Business and DevOps

Within SaaS companies, both DevOps and business teams can benefit from using performance optimization tools. Performance matters ā€“ whether youā€™re managing a marketing website or a web app. In this blog post weā€™ll: Discuss how Optimization fits into workflows for DevOps and business teams, and Explore some hypothetical (and slightly hyperbolic) examples of how to use Optimization.   Optimization for DevOps Teams Traditionally, engineering teams at software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies have been primarily focused with optimizing databases and applications to scale.

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