Applying machine learning to DevOps

Source – DevOps methodologies are rapidly increasing and generating vast and diverse data sets across the life cycle of entire application including development, deployment, and performance management. Only a robust analysis and monitoring layer can particularly harness this data for the ultimate DevOps goal that is end-to-end automation. The rise of machine learning and its related capabilities, such as artificial intelligence and predictive analytics, has pushed organizations to explore implementing new analysis models that mainly rely on mathematical algorithms.

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DevOps 101: Adopt Continuous Innovation

Source – DevOps requires some hard work and tough choices, but in the end can keep a business competitive and innovative. I’ve spent a good portion of my career interacting with DevOps, but from an infrastructure and data center perspective. In that role, my goal was to eliminate legacy components from infrastructure so that the entire process could then impact both DevOps and the business overall. Today, my focus has shifted into the world of cloud, DevOps, and advanced technology

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How Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Can Help DevOps

Source – Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can help the humans in DevOps break free from focusing on simple activities. One aspect of DevOps is automating routine and repeatable actions, and AI and ML can perform these activities with enhanced efficiency to improve the performance of teams and business. There are algorithms that can perform many operations and procedures, allowing those in DevOps to execute their part effectively. This article discusses how DevOps engineers can use AI and

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Digital Transformation Strategy? Think Cloud

Source – A few years back companies used innovation and digital transformation mostly to differentiate themselves and to stay competitive. The drastic growth in digital and cloud computing over the last couple of years have changed this mindset. Today, organizations have to be innovative and leverage the latest technologies just to sustain and stay in business. Enterprises that implement online retail business, online banking and several other online services aren’t considering those channels simply as another route to increase their

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How to manage cultural change while adopting DevOps

Source – With the rise in connected devices, big data, and an ever-increasing number of business applications, enterprises are now operating like continuous software and data factories. The most successful businesses take an agile approach, constantly updating and aligning development output with business requirements. DevOps can be an incredibly successful tool for companies, but there’s one key challenge: putting the right foundations in place. The organisations that are leading the way are already automating parts of the software engineering process

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Cloud computing provides ‘flexible working conditions for government services’

Source – Regional Technical Services Manager at Gov Facility Services, Amanpreet Jalif, explains how a cloud environment means you are not limited to where you can be productive It’s that time again. The third Thursday of every lunar cycle when you produce the monthly report; so enthusiastically accepting the responsibility at the board meeting and now regretting it. Your inbox is brimming with 10 different Excel workbooks from your colleagues for you to painstakingly edit the master dashboard you created.

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Four Major Misunderstandings about public key infrastructure (PKI)

Source – China’s digital economy, or D-economy, has entered a “golden era” and has become a new economic growth engine, said an expert from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, a government think tank. The internet, and technologies like cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence, or AI, are helping transform several industries and sectors, thereby driving economic growth, he said. “The country’s digital economy has stepped into a new phase, with the focus shifting from high-speed growth

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Golden online era dawns for cloud, big data, AI

Source – China’s digital economy, or D-economy, has entered a “golden era” and has become a new economic growth engine, said an expert from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, a government think tank. The internet, and technologies like cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence, or AI, are helping transform several industries and sectors, thereby driving economic growth, he said. “The country’s digital economy has stepped into a new phase, with the focus shifting from high-speed growth

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List Of Top 10 Technologies To Learn In Near Future If You Are An IT Guy

Source:- & Wikipedia Now a days, lots of students of IT are moving to learn programming languages such as PHP, Java, ASP.NET, Android and so on. But there is a world apart from the programming that needs to be explored. I am not discouraging you for programming. Programming should not be ignored if your are a IT graduates. You must have to be good at any of the programming languages such as python or Java or PHP. But apart from

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Six Cloud Trends That are Making Waves in 2017

Source – Cloud is no longer a buzzword that is only popular in big businesses, but, has trickled down to the masses. It is woven in our everyday lives, in the way we communicate, listen to music, watch movies, and store or share our data. Cloud has also dramatically transformed the way business is conducted. Recent studies have shown that businesses employing cloud services improve their productivity and grow 19.6% faster than those that don’t. The digital economy we operate

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Harnessing AI to make DevOps more effective

Source – Loom Systems’ AI-powered log analysis aims to give companies a warning when there may be a problem in their system by reading logs and detecting when something is likely to go wrong — and then sends out alerts so DevOps and IT managers can respond before systems go down. ZDNet talked to CEO Gabby Menachem about the company’s future plans. ZDNet: Tell me about the origins of Loom Systems. Menachem: We were founded two years ago and using

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Delivering the future potential of hyperscale cloud

Source – Hyperscale, most closely associated with big data and cloud, is the provisioning required in distributed computing environments to efficiently scale from a few servers to thousands of servers in an instant: the public cloud. Hyperscale cloud is the management, from migration to on-going support, of client business applications hosted in the public cloud. This includes the maintenance, support and security for business applications hosted in AWS and Microsoft Azure. Gartner has suggested that by 2020, over 80% of

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What is the difference between big data and cloud computing?

Source – Big data and cloud computing are the trending terms in the information technology (IT) world. The terms have also grown popular among business owners who are willing to take advantage of technologies to expand their businesses. However, big data and cloud computing are also some of the most confused terms in IT. Big Data Big data is not only a term used to refer to big volume of data, but also used to mean a refreshing way of

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Zombies Are Muttering “Agile”, “DevOps”, “Containers”, “Big Data”, and “Microservices”

Source – DevOps is the word of the year. Everyone speaks about it, and many are hoping to apply it, even though most are confused what it truly means. Inquiring about DevOps does not seem to help. If you speak with a software vendor, he’ll tell you that all you need to become DevOps ninja is to purchase his product. Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Docker, Terraform, Packer, Jenkins, Nexus, Git… Every software vendor seems to have a DevOps sticker attached to

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Enabling the future of connected devices

Source:- The Fog Rolls In There is an IT market segment, with roots dating back to the 1800s, that is growing at 60% CAGR and yet, almost no one has heard of it. There is even an industry consortium for this market, with big-name founding members like Dell Technologies, Cisco, Intel and Microsoft.  And when you hear the name for the first couple of times, you think it might be a prank.  It’s called Fog Computing. The first time I

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Top Big Data and Cloud Computing Interview Questions & Answers

Source:- Here are some top questions that are being asked during big data and cloud computing interviews.   WHAT ARE HYPERVISORS IN CLOUD COMPUTING AND GIVE THEIR TYPES. Answer: Hypervisor is known as a virtual machine that manages resources for virtual machines. They are majorly 2 types of hypervisors. TYPE 1: the guest Vm runs directly over the host hardware. TYPE2: the guest Vm runs over hardware through a host Operating System.   WHAT IS AMAZON SQS?   Answer:

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The top five in-demand cloud skills for 2017

Source:- Financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016 reveals massive growth for the top cloud providers. With 47% and 93% revenue growth for Amazon AWS and Microsoft respectively, one thing is clear – cloud is growing at a breakneck pace. Enterprises and small businesses will continue to adopt and invest in cloud technology. Cisco’s Global Cloud Index whitepaper shows global cloud IP traffic will almost quadruple over the next five years. But the rapid expansion of cloud has

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Containers help move Spark and Hadoop into analytics operations

Source:- Moving custom Spark and Hadoop pilot projects into production use has proved daunting. But container technology eased the transition at the Advisory Board analytics service. Spark and Hadoop analytics efforts often stumble when teams try to turn small pilot projects into larger operational apps meant for data science teams and business analysts. For many, it is an obstacle in their quest to work with big data. Configuration complexity has sometimes been the stumbling block. A custom-configured prototype built

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Why big data needs DevOps ?

Source:- Many big data analytics teams choose to not use DevOps methodologies, but there are real benefits to applying DevOps concepts to those big data initiatives. Extracting accurate and meaningful answers from big data is tough. It’s often made more challenging given the way big data software developers and IT operations lack coordination in many enterprises. Even though an IT organization may practice sound DevOps strategies for other supported applications, big data projects often remain siloed for a variety

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Five Ways Data Analytics Will Storm the Stage in 2017

Source:- It is becoming more and more apparent how data analysis is driving e-commerce revenues. And this growing importance has forced e-tailers and e-commerce firms to hire more data scientists in order to better understand how customer engagement impacts revenue and sales. This assessment comes from SOASTA, the leader in performance analytics, who reveals that data analytics is important in all aspects of the organization – from digital transformation to digital performance management. SOASTA predicts that these are the five

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