Using Machine Learning and Kubernetes Logs to Automate Security Threat Detection

Source:- Kubernetes is quickly consolidating its place as the leading container orchestration platform for cloud-native applications, with adoption at 59% among enterprise IT professionals as of March. But while Kubernetes delivers agility, flexibility and scalability for DevOps teams, it also creates complexity that can be an enigma for SecOps teamsā€”especially when something goes wrong. When it comes to detecting threats and tracking down breaches in Kubernetes, security teamsā€™ key asset is the Kubernetes API server audit log. The audit log

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CNCF-led open source Kubernetes security audit reveals 37 flaws in Kubernetes cluster; recommendations proposed

Source: Last year, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) initiated a process of conducting third-party security audits for its own projects. The aim of these security audits was to improve the overall security of the CNCF ecosystem. CoreDNS, Envoy and Prometheus are some of the CNCF projects which underwent these audits, resulting in identification of several security issues and vulnerabilities in the projects. With the help of the audit results, CoreDNS, Envoy and Prometheus addressed their security issues and

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Kubernetes open sourced their security audit. What can we learn?

Source: Earlier this week, on 6th August, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) published a blog post detailing their recent Kubernetes Security Audit. Last year, the CNCF started their security audit program with three projects: CoreDNS, Envoy, and Prometheus. Since this pilot program was successful, the CNCF is rolling it out to other projects in their ecosystem. Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration engine for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, and is the largest project

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