Setup Flutter in VS Code and Create & Run Flutter Project

Here are the steps to set up Flutter in VS Code and create/run a Flutter project:

  • Install Flutter by following the instructions on the Flutter website for your operating system.
  • Install the Dart SDK by following the instructions on the Dart website for your operating system.
  • Open VS Code and install the Flutter and Dart plugins.
  • Open the Command Palette by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+P (macOS).
  • Type “Flutter: New Project” and press enter.
  • Choose a project location and enter a project name.
  • Wait for the project to be created.
  • Open the main.dart file in the lib folder.
  • Replace the contents of the file with the following code:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Flutter Demo'),
        body: Center(
          child: Text('Hello, World!'),

Press F5 to run the app in debug mode.
Wait for the app to launch in the emulator or on a physical device.
Congratulations, you have successfully set up Flutter in VS Code and created/ran a Flutter project!

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