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Ori Keren, LinearB CEO, said rather than relying on antiquated processes that require software development teams to track progress by reentering data into a project management application, it’s now possible to automatically collect all the relevant data required from the tools and platforms being employed to build software.
The LinearB platform correlates DevOps pipeline data gathered from code, Git, projects and releases to provide visibility and context to every member of the development team. LinearB employs machine learning algorithms to construct and correlate that data, in real-time, to provide accurate insights into project status. That’s critical, because it empowers every individual on that team to make informed decisions about which tasks to prioritize without waiting for an explicit directive, Keren said.
LinearB will, in part, use the funding to build integrations with a wider range of DevOps platforms and tools, Keren added.
Software delivery intelligence differs from value stream management (VSM) platforms; though they provide similar insights, those surfaced by LinearB are aimed at developers rather than C-level executives trying to optimize deployment of limited resources across multiple teams, said Keren. In many ways, the data collected by LinearB could be employed to better inform a VSM platform, Keren added.
LinearB, in contrast, makes it easier to identify which teams and projects need additional help in near-real-time using metrics surfaced in a dashboard that track, for example, cycle times. The goal is to provide insights that make it easier to predict and eliminate project delays, remediate high-risk code before it is included in a production environment, eliminate bottlenecks and make certain the focus of the DevOps team remains on tasks of the highest priority.
More than 1,500 software development teams are already using LinearB as an alternative to traditional project management applications. Most of those customers are building commercial applications, so the goal now is to extend the reach of LinearB into the enterprise, said Keren.
LinearB, of course, doesn’t eliminate the need for project managers. However, it does eliminate the need for project managers to nag developers to update a project management application. Given the rate at which application development projects are now updated, much of the data in a project management application is outdated shortly after it is entered.
There’s a lot of pressure on application development teams these days. Many projects have been accelerated as part of an effort to more rapidly embrace digital business transformation in the wake of the economic downturn brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The challenge for many developers is they, too, are working from home to help combat the spread of the virus. That often results in interactions with managers over video conferencing calls that lack context. Having access to a software development intelligence platform should enable everyone with a vested interest in application deployment speed to make more informed decisions faster.