How Has Coding Changed in the Mobile Apps Age?


There are several ways that coding for apps has changed dramatically from what it was 20 years ago. The 90s saw the first legitimate explosion of personal computing. Today, 30 years down the line, things are barely the same.

Application development has now almost completely shifted towards the mobile space. That’s natural since coding for smartphones is much more lucrative than for laptops and desktops. Also, the desktop space has been reserved for mainly web development. Applications are now more interactive and device specific than they were before. All these changes have come about due to the changes in the way we interact with our devices.

There is also a more focused development on making your devices and software compatible. Cloud computing, synching, etc. are all much more pressing issues today. The internet is also a huge factor in every app’s development. You’d be hard pressed to find an app today that doesn’t require some sort of connectivity to update or function.

Developing applications in the past meant that you had to start from a single platform. Imagine having to choose either Android or iOS today. Seems impractical right? Today, building apps simultaneously for all platforms is commonplace. Before, it required devoting resources to porting code between operating systems.

Today, cross platforming development tools make life much easier for coders. Microsoft’s Xamarin development environment, or Google’s Flutter make it easy to write apps for desktop and mobile platforms.

Continuous Delivery and Deployment
Updates to programs were once much rarer than they are now. New features and functions were all packed into one release which meant that updates would be lengthy and time consuming. This development process left a lot to be desired since the bugs and errors in a program couldn’t be fixed. It would require patches delivered after the fact to do this. This is where coding for apps has changed drastically.

Today, updates and patches for minor fixes are a dime a dozen. Major updates come out several times a year; even for major OS’. This is why continuous delivery and deployment have greatly improved software experiences for users.


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