Git Notes – Sept – 2023

- Working with Local repo - 80%
- Working with Remote Repo - 10%
Branching & Merging


Pull Request



Intro About GUI tool
Visual studio code


 501  git init
  502  touch
  503  touch
  504  ls
  505  git config "Rajesh Kumar"
  506  git config ""
  507  git config --list
  508  git config --list
  509  clear
  510  ls
  511  git add
  512  git commit -m"This is my commit"
  513  git log
  514  git show 4162de10c52d143c8f9e3fcd2bd59ad9a6a3fab4
  515  clear
  516  git status
  517  git add
  518  git status
  519  vi
  520  git status
  521  clear
  522  git add --all
  523  git commit -m
  524  git commit -m"adding"
  525  git log
  526  git status
  527  ls
  528  ls
  529  git checkout 4162de10c52d143c8f9e3fcd2bd59ad9a6a3fab4
  530  ls
  531  git log
  532  git checkout master
  533  ls
  534  git logs
  535  clear
  536  git log
  537  git push master
  538  git push master
  539  cls
  540  clearf
  541  clear
  542  ls
  543  git remote add origin
  544  git pull origin master
  545  ls
  546  clear
  547  git branch
  548  git branch
  549  ls
  550  ls
  551  git branch -a
  552  git branch fea1
  553  git branch
  554  ls
  555  git checkout fea1
  556  cls
  557  clear
  558  git branch
  559  ls
  560  pwd
  561  git checkout master
  562  ls
  563  git checkout fea1
  564  clear
  565  ls
  566  touch fea1.txt
  567  git add --all
  568  git commit -m"adding fea1"
  569  git log
  570  git checkout fea1
  571  git checkout master
  572  clear
  573  git log
  574  ls
  575  git checkout fea1
  576  clear
  577  git checkout fea1
  578  git push origin fea1
  579  git push origin fea1
  580  git config --list
  581  clear
  582  ls
  583  git log
  584  clear
  585  touch fea11.txt;git add .;git commit -m"Ading fea11.txt"
  586  touch fea12.txt;git add .;git commit -m"Ading fea12.txt"
  587  touch fea13.txt;git add .;git commit -m"Ading fea13.txt"
  588  git log --oneline
  589  ls
  590  git checkout master
  591  ckls
  592  cls
  593  clear
  594  git log --oneline
  595  ls
  596  git merge fea1
  597  ls
  598  git push origin master
  599  ls
  600  git push origin master
  601  clear
  602  ls
  603  git status
  604  touch clean.txt
  605  git status
  606  git clean -f -d
  607  git status
  608  touch reset.txt
  609  git status
  610  clear
  611  git status
  612  git add reset.txt
  613  git status
  614  git reset reset.txt
  615  git status
  616  touch good.txt;git add .;git commit -m"adding good"
  617  touch bad.txt;git add .;git commit -m"adding bad"
  618  git log --oneline
  619  git revert 3fc761f
  620  git log --oneline
  621  git diff 3fc761f 42a2cda
  622  git diff ba9ff55 42a2cda
  623  git diff 3fc761f 42a2cdaclear
  624  clear
  625  git checkout fea1
  626  touch pr1.txt;git add .;git commit -m"pr1"
  627  touch pr2.txt;git add .;git commit -m"pr2"
  628  git push origun fea1
  629  git push origin fea1
  630  git config --list
  631  cls
  632  clear
  633  git status
  634  git checkout master
  635  start .
  636  git status
  637  vi .git
  638  vi .gitignore
  639  git status
  640  clear
  641  ls
  642  ls
  643  vi fea1.txt
  644  vi fea11.txt
  645  git add --all
  646  git status
  647  git add .
  648  git status
  649  git checkout fea1
  650  git status
  651  git checkout master
  652  git stash
  653  git stash --list
  654  git stash list
  655  git status
  656  git stasg apply stash@{0}
  657  git stash apply stash@{0}
  658  git status
  659  git log
  660  git tag rel1.0
  661  git tag --list
  662  git branch -a
  663  history

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