devops assignment 1 – P. Sai Harshini

q1. What is devops ?

a1. Devops is development model that integrates every team without conflicts delivers applications and services at a higher pace. In other words it is about the collaboration and automation of processes and tasks.

q2. List the10 Advantages of devops

a2. The benefits of devops are :

  1. Enables faster deployment of the product or services
  2. integrates different teams
  3. simplifies the development processes , reducing the development burden
  4. reliable
  5. flexible
  6. short development cycle
  7. faster recovery
  8. cost effective
  9. rapid delivery time
  10. continuous improvement

q3. List out the top 10 development tools

a3. The top 10 devops tools as follows :

  1. Jenkins
  2. Docker
  3. Git
  4. Puppet
  5. Selenium
  6. Gradle
  7. Slack
  8. Apache Maven
  9. Jira
  10. Bitbucket
few devops tools image

q4. How to implement devops ?

a4. the steps:

  1. source code commit
  2. build
  3. unit testing
  4. analysis
  5. packaging and archiving
  6. deployments
  7. acceptance testing
  8. manual test

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