Day5 – Assignment 1 – by Gorsa Lakshmi Niharika

What is Chef?

Chef is a tool which accelerates the application delivery and DevOps collaboration. Chef helps us to solve the day to day problem by treating infrastructure as a code. Rather being tested manually changing everything, the machine setup will be described in detail in Chef recipe. It is an open source systems management and cloud infrastructure automation platform. Chef transforms infrastructure into code to automate server deployment and management.

10 Advantages of Chef:

-> Accelerating Software deployment

-> Accelerating its software delivery

-> Increase Service Flexibility

-> Cloud adoption

-> Integration

-> Capability to run as Infrastructure as code

-> Managing cloud as well as Data center

-> Resiliency workflow

-> Test driven based infrastructure

-> A streamlined IT operations

How to install Chef Workstation?

Visit the chef workstation downloads official page and select appropriate package for your version. Click on the download button. Follow the steps as displayed.

We copied the downloading file path and entered over centos7

$ wget "<link>"
$ rpm -ivh chef-workstation-22.5.923-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
$ which chef

Example program of Recipe:

Create vi file.rb
Put the code: 
file '/opt/first.txt'
file '/opt/first.txt' do
	action :delete
file '/opt/content.txt' do
	content "This is my first program of chef"
	mode 755
	owner "niharika"

Create another file vi web.rb
package 'name' do
  package_name               "httpd"

file 'index.html' do
  content                    "<h1> Welcome to DevOpsSchool Chef Class</h1>"

bash 'extract_module' do
  code <<-EOH
                cp index.html /var/www/html/

service 'httpd' do
  service_name         "httpd"
  action               :start

Now, run chef-apply web.rb
-> chef generate cookbook webserver
-> vi webserver/recipes/default.rb
-> mkdir cookbooks
-> mv webserver/ cookbooks/
-> chef-client --local-mode --runlist 'recipe[webserver]'

It’s done

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